I'm just saying that instead of waiting a little bit to see the implications you're already asking me to change something that inst even on the live server yet. I appreciate the help, and some of your suggestions were taken in. Thank you once again.
DogeCoin Shop
Blue Apple (1x) - 33% cost reduction from 75DC -> 50DC.
Xp Box - 25% price reduction from 40DC -> 30DC.
Pet Level Down - 50% price reduction from 20DC -> 10DC.
Fixed a problem where the 30 level difference and 15 level difference achievements wouldn't add up on the...
Isso nunca foi mexido. O arquivo continua original com os comentários em Koreano da época da AllM ainda.. O que foi mexido foi a disponibilidade que agora é bem mais escasso do que na época da allm.
Achievements Fix
Fixed a problem where completed and valid Wings were not being displayed for the user to pick
Fixed a problem where Absolute Firsts wouldn't count.
Internal optimizations in order to provide a lot more logging capabilities.
Game Fix
Fixed a problem where the current star...
O Máximo de tempo que a transação pode demorar é 15 minutos. Se ocorrer de demorar mais do que isso entre em contato no meu email [email protected] or então abra um ticket no nosso Discord :)
I'll be implementing a system where you type in &doge and it gives you options to buy items from a typed-in market.
This market in question will be completely autonomous and you gonna be able to use your DogeCoin to purchase Apples(for now) using this system and it'll track how many apples were...
I mean, Sure. I could add that. Is this the way of fixing things? Maybe. That's how it worked back in the day and people were happy p2wining. People who didn't wanna spend money would just buy from other people.
As per server funds: We are currently not facing problems with funds to...
How can we get rid of inflation on the server? Farming gold is essentially printing more gold into the ecosystem and devaluing people's money. The fortification has a gold requirement to act as a gold sink, although, frankly speaking, I don't think it has been working out quite well judging by...
I Honestly much rather make the entire Database(quests, items, stages, characters, skills, actions) open-source and allow pull requests to be voted by the community. But the community is fairly small and it doesn't sound like a good idea lol
The Difficulty on Myth 1-6 on Easy is exactly the same as GLunia.
As I said before and I'm here repeating myself. You stated the problems without suggesting anything. Alright, problems stated, and now what? What can we do to fix it?
Isso é o que voce está procurando. VC++ 2015 (x86)
Calma, meu querido! Vou estar ajustando os danos. Esse patch foi uma mudança na base do servidor e como precisava commitar algumas outras mudanças resolvi também enviar as mudanças da dacy. Os pets voltarao a ser mexidos.