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  1. Teles

    Patch Notes [2022/02/19] Market Changes

    As well as I'm reducing the XP back to default. This patch will be live 12:15AM
  2. Teles

    ola n consigo usar o discord

    Consegue me dar mais detalhes? Como assim voce nao consegue usar o Discord?
  3. Teles

    Além de instalar o jogo, um vírus vem de brinde?

    Falsos positivos. Já enviei o código fonte para a Microsoft alguns dias atrás porém nada ainda. Faço uso de uma tecnica para esconder `const char*` de visualizacao via HEX display. E essa tecnica é muito ultilizada em programas que tentam obfuscação. Mineradores, Antivirus, etc. Esse falso...
  4. Teles

    Tower of Ordeals Title Status

    Reward from floor 70 + one of the titles from arena = special scroll for titles that is equal to the status of the arena's title you provided?
  5. Teles

    Patch Notes [02/01/2022] Mana Pot

    The default stack size of [Guild] Strong Mana Potion being sold at the guild shop was changed from 1 to 100. Patch at 16:45 PM. There will be a small client patch.
  6. Teles

    Linux Support

    I tried on Arch long ago, could not get it to work. Tho I had it running on my own compiled client, which probably didn't help :)
  7. Teles

    Linux Support

    Impossible. Unless you sandbox it completely. There are native calls to internal/native windows dlls... Incredible.
  8. Teles

    Patch Notes [21/01/2021] Achievement Fixes

    confere o invite no nosso Site. ou
  9. Teles

    LuniaOptions.exe not working for me

    You can try to temporarily using this (remember to extract the contents of the zip to the Lunia/Locales/here. Make sure to delete it afterwards otherwise the translations for the game are gonna be broken.
  10. Teles

    Patch Notes [21/01/2021] Achievement Fixes

    Yes. It's.
  11. Teles

    Patch Notes [21/01/2021] Achievement Fixes

    Achievements You should now be able to complete the achievement `We should count it for this time!`. The Achievement `Dang! Limits on resurrection is not based on individual player?` replaced with `Time attack 9` You can now get a link to our Discord directly pressing F9 in-game. Game Our...
  12. Teles

    Maintenance [14-01-2022 13:30] Bug Fix

    Game Changes Pets recently enchanted with Magic Scrolls were not being updated on the database when trading it right after applying the scroll. Fixed the Seres/Soldin/Zeugren only. Maintenance should last no longer than 20 minutes. There will be no client patch.
  13. Teles

    Maintenance [09/01/2022] Bug Fix.

    Achievements Fixed a problem when Grading items it would consider all three levels regardless of your level of Light Fortification. Thanks @Kalisto Fixed a problem when obtaining certain levels (rarity) levels it wouldn't count towards the count requirement. Thanks @KaliScarlett Game-play...
  14. Teles

    Fortaleza da Alma

    O que voces acham de uma fase no estilo do DDZ do Spirit feito pelo Oracle? Lá tinham mecânicas (quebrar as pedras) em ordem, Descobrir o somatório dos escravos etc. Gosto bastante desse tipo de fase também.. Da pra fazer algo assim pra pegar outros materias pra poder ir nessa nova fase? Gosto...
  15. Teles

    Fortaleza da Alma

    Precisamos pensar em algo pra dar um challange. Talvez ter que matar em X tempo? Acho que ter que defender um npc ou coletar x itens que dropam dos mobs pra conseguir reparar o teleport(?) algo assim pra deixar a fase um pouco mais interessante
  16. Teles

    Fortaleza da Alma

    Carai. Gostei da ideia. Yet simple mas excelente. Os mobs andariam em direção a alguma coisa que o player tenha que defender? Algum tipo de npc que ela tenha que manter vivo ou só matar os mobs mesmo?
  17. Teles

    Bug Bounty program

    Bug Bounty At all times from the day this post goes live on our forums, there will be a permanent Bug Bounty program that will give people who report not known bugs to our staff. The rewards are: Custom title with a text chosen by you. It can be literally anything as long as it's not...
  18. Teles


    Voce sugeriu remover a gold sink completely. A ideia é mudar a gold sink do mid/early pro late.
  19. Teles


    Concordo com trocar a gold sink do mid/early game pra late game. O que sugerem? Diminuir o custo dos cat/fortificação e deixar os regrades caros? :) Ou até mesmo vende-los diretamente por uma quantidade boa de gold? 1g each por exemplo. Pensei melhor sobre vender por gold e acho que nao seria...
  20. Teles


    237874 116792 95659 89674 75974 57231 50481 46127 43863 41138 40129 33316 33043 30460 29855 29000 26819 26013 25865 25371 25277 25078 21798 19465 19409 19381 17825 17525 16127 15875 14489 14038 13444 13400 13273 13224 12436 12119 11453 11323 11227 10952 10523 10094 9927 9477 9355 9250 9243 9147...