DogeCoin system rework. Due date[10/09/2021]


New member
shoddypriority32 said:
The target for the doge coin farm is 402dc/15hours.
The playerbase sometimes complain that going full party is not worth to farm doges.

Here's how the system could be reworked:
-The stage rotation continues. New stages every week to farm.
-Full party, or at least close to full in stages like raids, is required to drop doges.
-At the end of every stage clear, X fixed quantity of doges are given to each player.
-The doge quantity would be calculated by the time each stage takes, so that the target can be reached within expected time: if a stage takes 5 minutes to clear, it would drop 2,23 doges. In one hour you would get 26,76 doges, and in 15 hours you would get 401,4 doges (the numbers are rounded).

The advantages:
-No more complaining that 1 run dropped 1 or 10 doges.
-Party play is incentivized.
-The target amount can be reached without depending on any rng, leaving no room for frustration.
-There would be no best or worst map to farm: each map has it's doge quantity calibrated by the amount it takes to complete. Whether you can farm better or worse would depend on the time you take for each run.

Also, to fix the problem of "broken" quantity of doges: multiply the amount of everything that uses doges by 100 including the amount dropped. That way what would be 2,23 doges before would become 223 doges. However, 20 catas on doge shop would cost 600 doges instead of 6.
Either that or create broken doge coins which have the value of 0.01 doges each and make them drop together with normal doges so that if the value being used is 2,23 doges, you would drop 2 doges and 23 broken doges.
A quantidade alvo de doges é 420dc/15 horas
A comunidade reclama algumas vezes que jogar em pts cheias não vale a pena para farmar doges.
Aqui está como o sistema pode ser refeito:
-A rotação de fases continua. Haverão novas fases toda semana para farmar.
-A pt tem que estar com players até o limite de cada fase, ou pelo menos perto do limite em fases como as raids, para dropar doges.
-No final de cada fase, X quantidade fixa de doges são dadas a cada jogador.
-A quantidade de doges seria calculada pelo tempo que cada fase leva, para que a quantidade alvo de doges seja alcançada no tempo esperado: se uma fase leva 5 minutos para ser completa, droparia-se 2,23 doges. Em uma hora você pegaria 26,76 doges, e em 15 horas 401,4 doges (os números estão arredondados).

As vantagens:
-Sem mais reclamações que em uma run foram dropadas 1 ou 10 doges.
-Jogar em equipe seria incentivado.
-A quantidade alvo pode ser alcançada sem depender de aleatoriedade, não deixando nenhuma margem para frustração.
-Não haveria melhor ou pior mapa para farmar: cada mapa teria sua quantidade de doges calibrada pelo tempo que se leva para completá-la. Se você pode farmar melhor ou pior depende do tempo que você leva para completar cada fase.

Também, para consertar o problema da quantidade "quebrada" de doges: multiplicar a quantidade de tudo que usa doge por 100, inclusive a quantidade que dropa. Desse jeito o que seriam 2,23 doges se tornariam 223 doges. Porém 20 catalisadores na loja custariam 600 doges ao invés de 6.
Isso ou criar doge coins quebradas que tem o valor de 0.01 doges, e fazer com que elas dropem junto com as doges normais, para que se o valor sendo usado for 2,23 doges, você droparia 2 doges e 23 doges quebradas.

Achei uma otima ideia e sim tiraria um pouco do rng mas em sistema de farm basicamente n ha rng quem fica mais horas farma muito mais prova disso é o primeiro pet do sv sair em 1 semana


New member
Teles said:
What I think is wrong is that MYTH raids take roughly one hour to complete, so, in theory, 2 hours in total. Let's assume it will take 3 hours just for the sake of overshooting.

402DC / 15 hours => 27DC/h
3*27 = 81 DC //current system gives more than that.

To complete all the Stage raids it takes about an hour and a half. To complete the quests you would need two times each so, we double that and add a margin of error. Let's go with three hours and forty-five minutes.

402DC / 15 => 27 DC/h
3.75*27 = 102DC

In total, we should expect to receive 183DC for the sum of both. I was thinking of maybe, I should perhaps make a unique reward where you need to complete all of the quests and then you get a bonus, something like 20/30% extra? 180*0.3 = 54DC?

About the gold numbers. I still think that DogeCoin is a decent money sink. I'm seeing a constant increase in gold since the server began but nothing too crazy. Gold prices are probably fine as is?

I can't see a reason to use the DC/h formula for weekly limited quests, since they are limited and not the same thing as farming.
And about the gold prices, if they were fine as it is i would not suggest you to change it.


New member
Arch said:
Teles said:
Darkfog said:
I agree with Jeffda Chef
no need to change the DC system. It's in perfect
It might be wiser to add a stage that drops DC For the New Player
The only problem with DC is Weekly and Compensation, but the system itself doesn't need to be touched. Changing the current DC system can also destroy what has been built since the beginning of the server

I agree with you 100%. There are problems with the system I totally agree. Weeklies shouldn't require a minimum amount of players to be completed. And perhaps they could get a little boost on the amount of DC(with lowering of the tradable drop, of course)?

The tradable drop don't need nerf. People already don't like it the way it is now and I can't see a reason to nerf it just because you are adjusting the weekly quests. Just transform the weeklys into something reasonable and worth enough to be done and keep the farmable system the way it is now (even if I personaly don't like the tradable farming doge system, if it will continue then there is no reason to nerf the drop that is already bad).

And about the quests itself:
Myth raids:
Change 2x Charlotte to 1x Bigtalk and 1x Charlote
Change 2x Balmote to 1x Balmote and 1x Siren
Change 2x Endless Lower Lava to 1x Endless lower and 1x Uper Volcano
Change 2x Cobolt to 1x Cobolt and 1x Giraffe
Change 2x Necromancer to 1x Necromancer and 1x Certak
Change 2x Guilhotine to 1x Grimbathol and 1x Guilhotine

Add doge coin weekly at Gateway DD.

Transfer part of the doge coins from the stage raids to the myth raids, increasing from 5 doge per quest to 10 doge per quest.

Stage raids are the worst place for weeklys, specially 2x each stage raid, but there are the most part of doge rewards. (consider reduce to 1 run and reduce the rewards by half / transfer the doges to the myth weeklys)

Also, make the quests possible to be completed solo.

- Reduce the gold price of items at doge coin stoge, specially catalyst and restoration stones and pet related items. The currency have to be the Market with gold and not the Doge NPC:
Restoration stones 50g
Catalyst 50g
Locked Strange box 200g
Strange box key 30g
Any pet scrolls 1000g
Pet training 750g
Pet food? Should not even be paid lol. We are not in 2009 anymore.
(the doge price stays the same)

It all should fix the problems with doge system.



:p [glow=red]ACEITE ESSA SUGESTÃO[/glow] :p


Here's a very rough idea that can be built on.

Add PvP dailies and weeklies that supply dogecoins as well. Specifically the bigger maps like Castle Fortress Jenadan/Rainy Ramancha Prairie/Al Hammura Temple/Bell Tolling Field/Forest/Sandglass. As well as the battlefields and death match maps.

Additionally release pvp specific item sets that can be crafted by winning matches in specific maps, these sets should have set effects that maybe add new effects to skills but only in pvp. Or maybe grant small perks like blocking heals, or causing someone to fall that is stuck in an air combo, effects along these lines.

Currently farming doge coins is a pain because its not fun. Doing this will at least give us something newish to do. Until new stage content is made at least.