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  1. P

    Arena 31th ~ 40th floors concept discussion

    Heey man, just asking dont take it personal, are u a psycho??
  2. P

    Ryan's only downside

    Every other dex has a high mobility skill, Arien used to not have one and got one in her's first rework, ryan is the only one without it, it would be nice if a high mobility skill is added to his skill set.
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    New 20rb+ system

    i posted my opinion on discord a while ago and i will post it here again, the idea if i got it right is to make ppl who r interested in ranking to fight for it, but the ranking the way it works today, nobody gives a sh1t for it, sooo imo this change should have come with changes with the rank...
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    Arien Character Re-Work

    did someone say Eternal's Arien??
  5. P

    Ryan skill suggestion

    dd5 was pretty much ok too playing with ryan as you can see here, if u need some help playing with it, feel free to pm me in game or discord
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    Official Gold Selling [???]

    Why not adding a Buyer? A npc that buys items cheaper than market's average price, so ppl who r in need of gold fast, can sell it there.
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    Fortaleza da Alma

    Mexe com isso não, puta trem chato aquelas pedras lá, os escravos, nas primeiras 20 runs, carai que negocio daora, uma semana dps... puta merda que negocio chato. Acho que a maioria dos players fugiria de uma fase assim, rng por rng, é uma merda, agora, rng, influenciando na dificuldade de um...
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    Fortaleza da Alma

    Eu sou um adepto das mecânicas das cavernas do caos, elas conseguiam causar uma certa dor de cabeça, uns meteoros do divino tb, qd o secret ta vindo q dão IK é daora tb. Uma ideia que tive aqui agora: - RNG nas mecânicas, se usar as mecanicas da cave, cada stage poderia ter de 1 a 3 mecânicas...
  9. P

    DogeCoin system rework. Due date[10/09/2021]

    So, when u say no static stage, making dg drop in every single stage, with a nerfed rate is out of question?? If yes, what if we change the idea itself, remove drops in stage, create some kind of stage that is only doable once a week, with a time limit of 3hours, the idea is, every 1000...