Search results

  1. Katara

    Daily Doge Quest for Crack and Spider God

    Add dailies for these as well!
  2. Katara

    1 SP reset

    Can you add 1sp resets in a stack of 250+ to the free item shop?
  3. Katara

    Guide request: how to CS +15 for us noobs

    This is my personal method +0 to +1 with no catalyst +1 to +10 with normal catalyst +10 to +12 with strong catalyst(if I have them) if I don't have any I then use secret catalyst +12 to +15 with secret catalyst No Shine to Dimly with normal catalyst Dimly to Shiny with normal catalyst, but if...
  4. Katara

    DogeCoin system rework. Due date[10/09/2021]

    Here's a very rough idea that can be built on. Add PvP dailies and weeklies that supply dogecoins as well. Specifically the bigger maps like Castle Fortress Jenadan/Rainy Ramancha Prairie/Al Hammura Temple/Bell Tolling Field/Forest/Sandglass. As well as the battlefields and death match maps...
  5. Katara


    Remove the test effect as well as the stat cap.
  6. Katara

    Server Reset

  7. Katara

    Suggestions for Yuki Character

    Tele's does Ice Arrow immobilize the mobs now?
  8. Katara

    Suggestions for Yuki Character

  9. Katara

    Eir Q/A

    If you have any questions about Eir, post them here. I'll try to answer your questions as best as I can!
  10. Katara

    Eir Prayer of Healing

    The skill is supposed to heal more with each wave, but all of the waves are the same.