Teles said:
Darkfog said:
I agree with Jeffda Chef
no need to change the DC system. It's in perfect
It might be wiser to add a stage that drops DC For the New Player
The only problem with DC is Weekly and Compensation, but the system itself doesn't need to be touched. Changing the current DC system can also destroy what has been built since the beginning of the server
I agree with you 100%. There are problems with the system I totally agree. Weeklies shouldn't require a minimum amount of players to be completed. And perhaps they could get a little boost on the amount of DC(with lowering of the tradable drop, of course)?
The tradable drop don't need nerf. People already don't like it the way it is now and I can't see a reason to nerf it just because you are adjusting the weekly quests. Just transform the weeklys into something reasonable and worth enough to be done and keep the farmable system the way it is now (even if I personaly don't like the tradable farming doge system, if it will continue then there is no reason to nerf the drop that is already bad).
And about the quests itself:
Myth raids:
Change 2x Charlotte to 1x Bigtalk and 1x Charlote
Change 2x Balmote to 1x Balmote and 1x Siren
Change 2x Endless Lower Lava to 1x Endless lower and 1x Uper Volcano
Change 2x Cobolt to 1x Cobolt and 1x Giraffe
Change 2x Necromancer to 1x Necromancer and 1x Certak
Change 2x Guilhotine to 1x Grimbathol and 1x Guilhotine
Add doge coin weekly at Gateway DD.
Transfer part of the doge coins from the stage raids to the myth raids, increasing from 5 doge per quest to 10 doge per quest.
Stage raids are the worst place for weeklys, specially 2x each stage raid, but there are the most part of doge rewards. (consider reduce to 1 run and reduce the rewards by half / transfer the doges to the myth weeklys)
Also, make the quests possible to be completed solo.
- Reduce the gold price of items at doge coin stoge, specially catalyst and restoration stones and pet related items. The currency have to be the Market with gold and not the Doge NPC:
Restoration stones 50g
Catalyst 50g
Locked Strange box 200g
Strange box key 30g
Any pet scrolls 1000g
Pet training 750g
Pet food? Should not even be paid lol. We are not in 2009 anymore.
(the doge price stays the same)
It all should fix the problems with doge system.