Post Your Character Suggestions



Looking to work on some more suggestions tonight ;) At the end of the this post ill post my full list of changelogs so far.


Currently the major things im working on is;
Balance buffs and passives of all characters
Come up with new system for Lime and Dacy pets
Make 100% useless skills useful
Add in level 65, 70, 80, 90, 95 skills
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take out all reagents!!! :) for lime esp

change character's HP passive skills to % based

make lime 40 xform s attack dash cancellable

allow lime to use ultra jelly/slimy tenacity/kowabunga during xforms :)
Reagents --> removed
Passive skills will be re-worked in the future
XForm's are supposed to have a downside (plus currently I do not know how to dash cancel a auto attack, lime's xforms are literally just an entirely seperate character, its technically not a skill)
Not allowing skills to be used during xforms


For Ryan, can you make sulfur rain dash cancel-able? If you get knocked out of the animation still casts.
freezing rail gun is a little bit useless with the 12% chance to freeze. Can you make it shoot two to help the odds?
Sulfur rain now dash cancelable, any projectiles in the air will still fall, but no more will spawn
Freezing Railgun is now 2x as wide and goes 10% further


all transformations of lunia are immune, except that of krieg
Should leave his 2 transformations immune for to help the krieg
Krieg's ultimate and both True and non-RB Vehement Transformations now provide immunes while casting similar to how Kali's 60 works


New member
For DEIR i gotta say i really like the current suggestions. Please consider adding these to the plan if you see fit:

- Voice of Terror: Increase range a little bit and/or make the skill less pushy so mobs don't get scattered. Use the existing curse system as a way to increase the damage taken from the skills on the chaos skill tab.

- Plague of Darkness: All the changes mentioned above + Use the existing curse system as a way to increase the damage taken from the skills on the darkness skill tab.

(both these curses could really change deir playstyle and make player's be more conscious about the order in which they use their skills). Also i know the skill description says these curses already exist but i don't think they work properly (i could be wrong tho).

- Life Conversion (MP regen skill): it is currently useless, the numbers should be looked into so it can compete with eir's (since this one doesn't even heal your hp back like eir's does).

- Magic Circle of Healing: This skill would be way more useful if the healing area was a little bit (15-20%ish) bigger and also appeared further away from the caster (like 20% further).

- Bloody Contract: I believe the duration of this buff could be a few seconds longer without allowing eframe loops. 16 seconds at lvl9 is just too little. To be able to eframe loop you need like 40 secs. Consider extending the duration.

- Lunar Eclipse. Fury of Blood: Currently this buff is completely useless. Consider doing something fun with it to increase deir's impact on party plays. I had previously suggested a buff that gives the caster and all the nearby party members a %amount (15%?) of extra chance of deadly magic blow (crit chance).

I know i had already shared some of these ideas but here they are again.
Let me know what you guys think.


New member
Would it be possible to add iframes when casting iron hammer/ true iron hammer on sieg for being his (60) it gets canceled pretty easily by anything. Maybe make his true iron hammer hit more too it really lacks on anything that isn’t sent back by the lighting like a humanoid boss only gets hit twice if that. It feels like it only really does good damage if it air combos.
  • Maybe his true rage /rage explosion buff can also benefit from not being canceled as well
  • Possible update to his bless ability protective fortitude can regenerate % hp
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New member
possibly a way to fix the equipment switching glitches (which is really annoying since you have to use your mouse instead of keyboard to manually click) for AEH 2pc buff

When you hit level 70 you get a quest to unlock a passive skill that is AEH effect and you have to be holding 2 pieces of aeh to complete it. since practice field has a quest that only requires you to hold an item to complete then this should be feasible.


New member
possibly a way to fix the equipment switching glitches (which is really annoying since you have to use your mouse instead of keyboard to manually click) for AEH 2pc buff

When you hit level 70 you get a quest to unlock a passive skill that is AEH effect and you have to be holding 2 pieces of aeh to complete it. since practice field has a quest that only requires you to hold an item to complete then this should be feasible.
The AEH buff could be added as a set effect to myth equipment in my opinion.
I Got two more for Ryan since everyone is asking for a lot of things, but these two are simple e not game breaking imo.

Make Merciless Shot also cancelable, since (for me) it's a skill used only to get AEH buff

Make True Amplified Gun re-castable without dash. Like Impartial Shot, True Impartial Shot and True Rapid Shot where you can cast multiple times mid animation.


Please change Eir's life extension buff to be HP % buff.
Also, the Eir's DEF buff is useless. I cannot think of a change for it, but if anyone thinks of one, please do share.
All buffs in the game will be receiving a rework -- in time :cry: im doing my best man please dont hit me like last time


  1. Make Great Lighting Strike an E-frame, it takes way too much time to cause damage.
  2. Reduce Dragon and True Dragon Leap CD, 33s is insane :/
Ive given Great Lightning Strike e-frames during the cast, and I simply cannot justify lowering the CD on the dragons when they do they damage they do, therefore if the CD goes lower then so does the damage. in testing both dragons did more damage than the 75 (which maybe be a different issue)


Add a damage reducing buff(or maybe a party damage increasing buff) within the aoe of prayer of healing, add dome visual to it as well. Like when those dark elf healers use that one exploding skill, except without the explosion effect, just the visual. I'll work on getting the mob name later today.


Add a damage reducing buff(or maybe a party damage increasing buff) within the aoe of prayer of healing, add dome visual to it as well. Like when those dark elf healers use that one exploding skill, except without the explosion effect, just the visual. I'll work on getting the mob name later today.
Dark Moon Wizard is the mob, although the aoe effect isn't quiet what I had in mind. May need to tweak it a bit if possible. I was thinking along the lines of something like the attached picture. Obviously not exactly like it but yeah...


  • Prayer effect.png
    Prayer effect.png
    896 KB · Views: 9