The state of dogecoin (and the game at large)


New member
This thread was created as a warning to the implications of having m5 be a dogecoin-farmable stage.

First, why is it bad to have m5 be a dogecoin stage?
1. M5 already serves a purpose- it's the best stage to farm exp per hour aside from time/daily limited stages.
2. It would widen the gap between newer and more veteran players of the server with the double dipping. And it also makes every other stage almost unnecessary to do. It's going to be a 2 week grindfest to get level 99s and farm thousands of doge. Also, it's well known that a well-geared Tia farms m5 extremely quickly. Even a certain Tia in my guild says you're literally retarded if you put dogecoin in m5 stage.
3. Literally will be like double doge weekend where everyone was farming those stages (mainly Cobolt at the time) but for 2 weeks straight. How fun!
4. Despite dogecoin being as you say for endgame related items, having dogecoin in an already popular stage only accelerates the game. If that's the case it's no better than a clone of Arcade Lunia.

Now let's talk about dogecoin-
The current system I think is quite flawed in certain aspects
1. Having Balrog daily quest giving you doge is literally just pink cata rewards but with more options for reward choices.
2. Having a player selected stage and also randomly selected choices is not good design. Random is not necessarily good without oversight.

Let's compare
Daily: Prison of Demon Lord
Arcade- 50% (I'm guessing) rate of getting pink catalyst. On average 4 daily keys (successful runs) gets you 4 pink catalyst, which trades for 36*2=72 restore stone/secret catalysts.
Reborn- 40 (untradeable) dogecoin daily. This can buy you 80 restore stones/secret catalyst (minus 200 gold it costs to purchase). So the rewards are nearly the same.

Let's also take a look at the rewards and access to rewards
Pet scroll access
Arcade- buyable through arcade coins, which are obtained only through weekly/daily quest.
Reborn- buyable with dogecoin, which is obtained through weekly/daily quest AND designated farmable stage.

You see, it's possible to obtain pet scroll much earlier in Reborn than in Arcade. Something should be done to balance this out. Some rewards should be more on a weekly semi-active playing basis and some should be farmable, what that is depends on the devs.

Gold farming (and its relation to dogecoin)
In Reborn version, there was a lack of oversight in a certain area which allows players to obtain about 2k gold in a matter of 20 minutes. Now initially the pet scroll was gated by gold despite doge being farmable. But now you can obtain pet scroll in your first week if you manage to get the current dogecoin farm stage (yet again accelerating the game).

I understand trying to give players what they want but in this case this is not what the players need and players are always looking for the easiest option to get past the grind of the game so polling is essentially useless anyway. This should be designed well rather than succumb to a poor choice on top of a semi-poor design.

How to improve the dogecoin farm/grinding part of the game?
A better design for farming tradeable doge would be to restrict commonly farmed stages and stages with already lucrative/highly desired rewards (7-4H, 7-9H, 6-10L, m4, m5, m6, B2, B3, and more). Even better yet, have a rotating schedule of stages that are much less but still slightly necessary to play (title quests anyone?). I suggest a weekly and/or monthly rotation with 2-3 such stages available spanning different player levels (ex. history, legend/bonus, myth) for this so players can make some progress towards these grindy and relatively low reward stages be a bit more lucrative in the process and weekly is often enough that if you missed out you maybe can get it rotated back within a few months (right now that seems long, of course, given the age of the server).

This system
-avoids the double dip of doge plus already lucrative stage
-would be accessible to players at various stages of progression
-would promote players playing more niche stages and perhaps make it less boring playing together
-slows down the pace of the game

Brain ded me go sleep, will continue this later if I even need to add any more thoughts to this.
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New member
I don't know if gatekeeping progression is a good idea given the current state of our player base.
There is not enough people playing to justify slowing down the pace (and the slow pace was arguably one of the big reasons for a lot of people quitting).

I think it doesn't matter which stage is selected as doge coin drop, people will be farming non-stop.
It has always been like that. If you want to get to the endgame fast, just make a Tia and farm M4 until your fingers stop working.
I'm not sure if that play style could (or should) be punished without a remake of the whole Myth system.

The only thing that I agree on this post is that M5 is not a beginner friendly stage, but I also don't know if beginners should worry about doge coins before being able to play M5...

I believe we should focus on fixing the achievements and creating new content. Once we get to a healthy player number we can rethink the doge system.


Não sei se segurar o progresso é uma boa idea considerando o estado atual da base de players.
Não tem gente suficiente jogando pra justificar o progresso lento (fora que um dos grandes motivos pra muita gente desistir foi esse progresso lento).

Acho que não importa qual fase seja escolhida pra dropar doge, as pessoas vão farmar sem parar.
Sempre foi assim no lunia. Se você quer chegar no endgame rápido, cria uma tia e fica farmando D4 até os dedos caírem.
Não sei se daria (ou se deveria) puder esse estilo de jogo sem mudar a forma que o divino funciona.

A única coisa que concordo desse post é que D5 não é amigável pra quem tá começando agora, mas também não sei se iniciantes deveriam se preocupar com doge coins antes de conseguir jogar D5...

Acredito que a gente deveria focar em corrigir as conquistas e criar conteúdo novo. Quando a gente tiver uma quantidade de jogadores suficiente, a gente repensa o sistema de doge.


New member
Wait Kazzel is like 300 IQ.

I agree with this - "I don't know if gatekeeping progression is a good idea given the current state of our player base." "There is not enough people playing to justify slowing down the pace (and the slow pace was arguably one of the big reasons for a lot of people quitting)." Basically Kazzel said what I was gonna say.

There's not even a lot of players that have the time that I do to farm doge / gold or whatever there is in the game; are there even new players coming into the server??? I think i've possible came across 5 since I started playing which was less than a month ago... - plus the end game still currently is SoS CS+15 There's never DD5 farm because everyone doesn't care to +15cs SD II gear to actually be able to be viable in the farm of dd5. because they don't want to waste gold / doge doing so as well...

However my fat, greasy, and pimply Tia ass would like BLUE APPLE SYSTEM TO BE CHANGED. BUYING DARK FOG 2 WEN



New member
I don’t like the fact that M5 is not beginner friendly. The gear gap is too much for new players. Basically screwing over the new players.


New member
You can't gatekeep something that players already naturally do. lmao. The incentive is already there like point #1. m5 exp grinding parties were common in the Arcade server. There are enough doge weeklies for a steady progression comparable to Arcade server. Players are also quitting BECAUSE the game moves too fast. look at all the high geared fully myth geared players selling their accounts, they have nothing to look forward to because they already got to the end stages. It is a result of doge being extremely farmable and allowing instant access to fortification versus it being a periodically gated thing.

"But there's DD" But DD5 is only doable with a full party as a progression stage and the server population is lacking.

this is all in addition to the direction of the server and the promised new content we're still waiting on to determine the future of this server, of which I may create another thread to explore that topic.
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"there was a lack of oversight in a certain area which allows players to obtain about 2k gold in a matter of 20 minutes."

I just busted my balls for 3 hours to come up with 3kg. Please tell me


Staff member
"there was a lack of oversight in a certain area which allows players to obtain about 2k gold in a matter of 20 minutes."

I just busted my balls for 3 hours to come up with 3kg. Please tell me
Cod + new characters


New member
Just put doge in every map, with a lot lesser chance to spawn and no one can complain about what stage drops doge coin. That will lower the amout of doge coins each time you farm a stage but it will bring parties back as well since you will have higher chance to spawn doge coins with a party


Staff member
Just put doge in every map, with a lot lesser chance to spawn and no one can complain about what stage drops doge coin. That will lower the amout of doge coins each time you farm a stage but it will bring parties back as well since you will have higher chance to spawn doge coins with a party
Some maps would completely break it. You can just sit there spawning mobs unlimitedly