Patch Notes Patch Notes 18:15 13/09/2021

Content changes


Staff member

DogeCoin changes

  1. Moved Balrog's to be the second available quest on the DogeCoin NPC. Followed by Myth quests and then Raids.
  2. Changed the duration for the LifeStone reward from 1-4B from 24 hours -> 72 hours.
  3. Quests to complete Myths (1,2,3,4,5,6) in a complete party is now a daily quest. Rewards were reduced from 10DC -> 5DC each and the requirement of 5 times each was reduced to 3 times each.
  4. Changed XP manual reward from 2-4 Bonus from giving you directly the manual it gives a box that lasts 24 hours. Upon opening this box it gives you a manual from 200%-500% that lasts 5 hours. The drop rate of the manuals within this box changed now being -> 200% (50%), 300%(25%),400%(25%).
  5. Changed the XP box from the DogeCoin shop to have the following distribution:
    1. 500% -> from 05.0% to -> 06.375%
    2. 400% -> from 05.0% to -> 12.25%
    3. 300% -> from 05.0% to -> 25.00%
    4. 200% -> from 85.0% to -> 56.375%
  6. Decreased the price in Gold from 1500g to 500g for Special Pet Training Request (1hour).
  7. Increased the price in DogeGoin cost for Secret Catalyst of Dwarven Royal Family from 6 to 10 at the same time decreasing the cost in gold from 100g -> 50g.
  8. Decreased the price in DogeCoin cost for Ultimate Restoration Stone of Dwarven Royal Family from 12 to 10 at the same time decreasing the cost in gold from 100g-> 50g.

Tower of Suffering

  1. Clearing floor 50 will unlock Bonus 1-5 Forest of Life.
  2. Clearing floor 55 will unlock Bonus 2-1 World of Ice.
  3. Clearing floor 60 will unlock Bonus 2-5 Dragon Cave Entrance.
  4. Clearing floor 70 will unlock Bonus 3-1 Entrance of Fire Fort.

Devil Doom

  1. Increased the chances of getting a DKD box from 0.5% -> 2%.
  2. Increased the chances of dropping DKD gear to your class (INT, VIT, and DEX) increased from 50% -> 100%.
  3. Added a quest for killing 20x 5th Grade Sardes the box reward has a 50% probability for either an Item Box or a Recipe Box.LuniaClient_P7f3ImUGQl.png
  4. Added a box reward to the end of DD5 corridors which contains 1x, 2x, 5x, or 10x of "High-grade Iron Ore from workhouse".
  5. No more "High-grade Iron Ore from workhouse" from monsters throughout DD5.

Arta changes

  1. Twirling Hammer changed from Physical to Magical.

Yuki changes

  1. Teleport is now Invincible from 0s to 0.633333s.

Asuka changes

  1. Veil of Swords is now dashed cancelable from after 1s instead of 4.5s.
Greetings @Staff
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Lu Ci

Staff member


[1.] Missão do Balrog ajustada para ser a segunda missão na lista disponível no NPC DogeCoin​
[2.] Alterado o tempo de duração da Pedra da Vida concedida na missão do [1-4] Mito - Bosque da Canção: 24 horas -> 72 horas.​
[3.] O valor em Ouro do Pedido de treinamento do mascote (1 Hora) foi reduzido de: 1500g -> 500g
[4.] O valor da Pedra de Restauração e do Catalisador da Família Real dos Anões da Loja de DogeCoin foi alterado de:​
Pedra de Restauração: 100g + 12dc -> 50g + 10dc
Catalisador da Família Real dos Anões: 100g + 6dc -> 50g + 10dc
[5.] A caixa recebida como recompensa da missão de [2-4] Mito - Altar da Rainha do Gelo foi alterada para não ser aberta quando recebida.​
[5.1] A caixa da missão agora dura 24 horas, a partir do momento que foi recebida e as taxas de drop de manual foram alteradas para:​
Manual +100% XP Extra: 50% Drop | Manual +200% XP Extra: 25% Drop | Manual +300% XP Extra: 25% Drop
[7.] Missões do [Divino 1] Floresta da Lua, [Divino 2] Floresta do Vento, [Divino 3] Floresta do Fogo, [Divino 4] Floresta da Escuridão, [Divino 5]​
Floresta da Água e [Divino 6] Floresta da Luz em um grupo completo agora são diárias.​
As recompensas foram reduzidas de: 10DC -> 5DC
O requisito foi reduzido de: 5x -> 3x.​

[8.] As taxas de drop de manual da caixa da Loja de DogeCoin foram alteradas de:​
400%: 05.0% -> 06.375%
300%: 05.0% -> 12.25%
200%: 05.0% -> 25.00%
100%: 85.0% -> 56.375%


[1.] Concluir o Andar 50 desbloqueará: [1-5] Mito - Floresta da Vida
[2.] Concluir o Andar 55 desbloqueará: [2-1] Mito - Reino de Gelo
[3.] Concluir o Andar 60 desbloqueará: [2-5] Mito - Entrada da Caverna
[4.] Concluir o Andar 70 desbloqueará: [3-1] Mito - Entrada da Fortaleza do Fogo


[1.] A chance de obter uma caixa de Itens do Cavaleiro Negro Demoníaco aumentou de: 0,5% -> 2%.​
[2.] A chance de obter itens do Cavaleiro Negro Demoníaco para sua classe especificamente (INT, VIT ou DEX) aumentou de: 50% -> 100%.​
[3.] Adicionada uma caixa contendo [1], [2], [5] ou [10] minérios de ferro de alto grau ao final dos corredores do [DD5]
[4.] Os monstros do [DD5] deixaram de dropar [Minério de ferro de alto grau].​
[5.] Adicionada nova missão a NPC Deusa Lunia na praça Divino. (Também visível pelo [!] na parte inferior do Mini mapa).​
[5.1] Missão: Cace Sardes de 5º Grau [20x]​
Recompensa: Caixa Demoníaca​
*A caixa demoníaca tem chance de 50% de dropar uma [Caixa de Itens] ou uma [Receita de Construção de equipamento].



Atributo alterado de: Físico -> Magico


Invencibilidade alterada de: 0s -> 0.633333s


Cancelamento com Dash alterado de: 4.5s -> 1s
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  1. 將太古魔神的日常任務從神話NPC移動到狗狗幣NPC
  2. 外傳1-4給予的生命石持續時間更改 24 hours -> 72 hours.

  1. 外傳2-4的加倍箱更改為時效24小時的箱子,開啟後可以得到加倍書(5小時),另外移除150%,剩下的內容物與機率為:
    200% (50%), 300%(25%),400%(25%).
  2. 調整狗狗幣商店的經驗加倍書箱子機率如下:
    1. 500% -> from 5.0% to -> 06.375%
    2. 400% -> from 5.0% to -> 12.25%
    3. 300% -> from 5.0% to -> 25.00%
    4. 200% -> from 85.0% to -> 56.375%
  3. 減少特級寵物訓練書(1hr)的所需金幣從 1500g 變為 500g .
  4. 調整王國觸媒所需的狗狗幣從610 所需的金幣從100g50g.
  5. 調整王國復原石所需的狗狗幣從1210 所需的金幣從100g50g.

  1. 通關50F會解鎖外傳1-5.
  2. 通關55F會解鎖外傳2-1.
  3. 通關60F會解鎖外傳2-5.
  4. 通關70F會解鎖外傳3-1.

  1. 增加DKD箱子的掉落率從 0.5% -> 2%.
  2. 調整開啟箱子時可以獲得自己特性(INT, VIT, and DEX)的機率從
    50% -> 100%.
  3. 增加討伐20x5th薩迪斯任務獎勵的箱子內容物為50%機率獲得魔神箱子其餘為製作書.
  4. 在DD5長廊結束時增加獎勵箱子可以獲得1/2/5/10的"上級鐵".
  5. DD5怪物不再掉落"上級鐵".

  1. 旋風槌從物理傷害 變更為 魔法傷害.

  1. 瞬間移動現在有無敵時間從 0s 增加到 0.633333s.

  1. 劍氣逼人(60) 現在可以在1s時衝刺取消,而不是4.5s.
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