Patch Notes Dainn Changes | Stage changes | Fixes [19/12/2022]

Content changes



A entire patch made for Dainn players (a dd7 change too)


Dainn is an INT character different from other, does not present many control or support skills for his group. The current game situation influences the cooperativene sbetween players and the preference for intelligence class characters with buffs or heals is much higher. This patch was designed to improve Dainn's raw damage and try to give a space in teams that need a boost, a damage dealer. To Dainn players, I hope you like it. This adds more possibilities for builds and variety of gameplay.
I'm always looking forward to feedbacks :)


Ice Pillar : Cast speed highly changed | Damage Increased -> (lvl 12 +) | Cooldown raised 3 seconds.
REASON: This was an unfeasible skill due to the casting time and non-advantageous damage compared to other skills.

Icicle Rain : Damaged increased | Cooldown increased to 25 seconds | Now you can dash cancel without canceling the skill | Projectiles focus in only one point (LVL 11+)
REASON: This was an unfeasible skill due to the casting time and non-advantageous damage compared to other skills.

Bitter Cold Breath : Now skill start to freeze from level 6 | Cooldown increased in lower levels (lv 1 - 9) | Cooldown decreased (lvl 10 +)
REASON: Dainn needs a lot of skill points, his strong point in the game is when he has a lot of rebirths and skill points. We decreased on this skill so that he can invest a bit in utility.


Fire Bomb : Skill reworked | Cooldown raised to 22 seconds. (Lvl 11 +) | Damage increased

Rain of Fire: Damage slightly increased (lvl 9+)

True Rain of Fire : Damage slightly increased (lvl 11+)

Dragon Breath of Death : Damage slightly increased (lvl 11+)

True Red Fire Dragon : Damage slightly increased (lvl 9+)

Red Fire Dragon : Damage slightly increased (lvl 11+)


Hand of Earth : After cast, gives Dainn a 20% magic damage buff and 5% critical chance for 5 seconds. (level 6) | Cooldown increased (+3 seconds )

REASON: As previously mentioned, we are trying to increase the damage on Dainn's skills. This skill will be very useful before using a powerful skill. It adds a bit of vunerability in exchange for an increase in damage.

Towering Pillar : Skill reworked | Cooldown raised to 30 seconds | Damage increased. (level 9)
REASON: This was an unfeasible skill due to the casting time and non-advantageous damage compared to other skills.

Giant Fist of Earth : Skill cooldown increased to 28 seconds. damage increased.
REASON: This was an unfeasible skill due to the casting time and non-advantageous damage compared to other skills.


Mana Extension : Now give Dainn a max hp buff. INT Buff very improved. Buff duration lowered to 15 seconds. Cooldown raised (lvl 5+)

Teleport: Now it have a dash animation | After cast gives you a 20% movespeed buff for 4 seconds.


Be aware that these changes may not be permanent and may be changed at any time depending on the
performance that the balancement shows.


- We are still trying to solve the DD7 bug. We changed some things in the script to see if it will work now. We appreciate feedback on how things are going.

- DD7 Key price lowered to 60g (it will least provisional price, while the stage presents problems)

- Fixed the box bug

Square NPC Fix

- Added npc Luther Fred to Normal Square.


New member
*** 요약본 ***

다인 유저를 위한 전체적인 패치
7단 패치도 있음.

*** 다인이 패치받은 이유 ***

다은은 다른 지능캐릭터와 다르며 그의 파티를 위해 지원스킬이 적습니다.
현재 게임 흐름은 플레이어 간의 협동심에 영향을 미치며 버프나 회복이 있는 지능캐릭터의 선호도가 훨씬 높습니다.
이 패치는 다인의 데미지를 개선하고 버프가 필요한 팀의 딜러에게 공간을 제공하기위해 고안되었습니다.
저는 다인 플레이어들이 이 패치를 좋아했으면 좋겠습니다.
이것을 클리어 빌드와 다양한 게임플레이를 위해 더 많은 가능성을 추가했습니다.저는 항상 당신의 피드백을 기다리고 있습니다.

*** 얼음 ***

얼음 기둥

- 시전 속도를 빠르게 변경했습니다.
- 데미지 증가 (lv 12+)

- 이유 : 다른 스킬에 비해 시전 시간과 불리한 데미지 때문에 사용 불가능한 스킬이었습니다.

얼음 소나기
- 데미지 증가
- 재사용 시간이 25초로 증가했습니다.
- 스킬 캔슬없이 대시로 캔슬할 수 있습니다.
- 발사체가 한 지점에만 집중됩니다 (lv 11+)

- 이유 : 다른 스킬에 비해 시전 시간과 불리한 데미지 때문에 사용 불가능한 스킬이었습니다.

혹한의 숨결
- 이제 적을 얼립니다. (lv 6+)
- 낮은 레벨에서 재사용 시간이 증가 되었습니다. (lv 1~9)
- 높은 레벨에서 재사용 시간이 감소 되었습니다. (lv 10+)

- 이유 : 다인은 많은 스킬 포인트가 필요한데, 게임에서 강해질 타이밍은 전승과 스킬 포인트가 많을 때이다. 우리는 그가 효울적인 스킬분배를 위해 이 기술을 감소시켰습니다.

*** 화염 ***

- 스킬이 리워크 됩니다.
- 재사용시간이 22초로 증가했습니다. (lv 11+)
- 데미지가 증가 되었습니다.

화염 비
- 피해가 약간 증가했습니다. (lv 9+)

진 화염비
- 피해가 약간 증가했습니다. (lv 11+)

멸겁의 용숨결
- 피해가 약간 증가했습니다. (lv 11+)

진 화염의 붉은용
- 피해가 약간 증가했습니다. (lv 9+)

화염의 붉은 용
- 피해가 약간 증가했습니다. (lv 11+)

*** 대지 ***

대지의 손
- 시전 후 다인에게 마법 데미지 20% 증가, 치명타 5% 증가 버프를 부여합니다. (lv 6)
- 재사용 시간이 3초 증가되었습니다.

- 이유 : 앞서 언급했듯이, 다인의 기술에 대한 피해를 늘리려 노력중입니다. 이 스킬은 강력한 스킬을 사용하기 전에 매우 유용할 것입니다. 피해를 증가 시키는 대가로 약간의 족쇄를 걸었습니다.

심연의 기둥(확실하지 않음)
- 스킬 리워크
- 재사용 시간 30초 증가
- 피해량 증가 (lv 9)

- 이유 : 다른 스킬에 비해 시전 시간과 불리한 데미지 때문에 사용 불가능한 스킬이었습니다.

대지거인의 손
- 재사용 시간이 28초로 증가
- 피해량 증가

- 이유 : 다른 스킬에 비해 시전 시간과 불리한 데미지 때문에 사용 불가능한 스킬이었습니다.

*** 버프 ***

마력 확장
- 시전시 최대 체력 증가
- 지능 증가량 매우 증가
- 지속시간 15초로 감소
- 냉기 피해량 상승 (lv 5)

- 이제 모션이 정상적으로 작동합니다.
- 시전 이후 20% 이동속도 버프를 제공합니다.

*** 주의 ***

이는 영구적인 변화가 아니며, 밸런스에 대해서는 언제든지 변경될 수 있습니다.

*** 노역장 7단 ***
우리는 여전히 버그 해결을 위해 노력 중입니다. 노역장 7단 패치가 제대로 작동하는지 보기 위해 몇 가지를 수정했습니다. 플레이하시면서 7단이 제대로 작동되는지 피드백을 주시면 감사하겠습니다.

7단 열쇠가 60골드로 감소 되었습니다. (문제가 지속될 동안 감소된 가격으로 판매됩니다.)

*** 노역장 6단 ***
상자 버그가 수정되었습니다.

*** 광장 NPC 수정 ***
일반 광장에 루더 프레드가 추가되었습니다.
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Maruco Favero

New member
First I would like to report that I liked the concern to make Dainn a viable character like the others (receiving a little love is always good).
I liked the fact that some skills have a higher cooldown because that way it becomes a rotation of skills (since he has 24 offensive skills and a very low CD in some skills makes the character become a ball machine gun of fire or meteors).
I find the direction of the rework of some skills very interesting.

However, I still see that there are deeper problems, like the fact that a lot of skill points are needed (taking into account an lvl80 character with and 7rbs at lvl80, 100 base points and 21 extra points are 8 to 9 skills that can be maximized from a total of 28 skills, some of which need 12 points).
It would take lvl80 with 63rbs from lvl80 or 38rbs at lvl99 to get the required points for all skills
Well, I talked more about this question of skill points in my other post Skill Points Ballance.

Regarding the current rework of some skills, I would like to express some considerations (those not mentioned are already very interesting/feasible):

⚔ Twin Fire (lvl 11+)
6 projectiles
Damage: 357"397
Reuse: 5.02s
3 puddles
Damage: 0%"52% ???? maybe an display error??
Reuse: 20s
- I have no idea what happened to this skill, the reason, the benefit or anything else

⚔ Fire Bomb
"Skill rework| Cooldown increased to 22 seconds. (Level 11+) | increased damage"
- It's a great skill for DPS on bosses and big mobs, it still does a lot of damage on small ones, but it's difficult because it ends up messing up the group of mobs.

⚔ Ice Pillar
"Highly changed cast speed | Increased damage -> (lvl 12+) | Increased cooldown 3 seconds."
"REASON: This was an unfeasible skill due to cast time and damage not being advantageous compared to other skills."
- adjust the damage of this skill, (which was very strong) and redistribute it in the rest of the kit

⚔ Icicle Rain
"Damage increased | Cooldown increased to 25 seconds | You can now cancel without canceling the skill | Projectiles focus on only one point (LVL 11+)"
"REASON: This was an unfeasible skill due to cast time and damage not being advantageous compared to other skills."
this ability remains unfeasible, even with more interesting damage (but no divisor), but with a very high CD and the need to invest many points, and the possibility of dodging the boss simply by moving.
- My suggestion is to change the skill to the Pillar of the Abyss rework, which even turned out to be a very good skill.

⚔ Towering Pillar
"Reworked skill | Cooldown increased to 30 seconds | Damage increased. (level 9)"
"REASON: This was an unfeasible skill due to cast time and damage not being advantageous compared to other skills."
this skill was used only for the continuation of combos, due to its 'instant' cast and the knock-up attribute, which is no longer possible.
- my suggestion is to change this skill to skills like (Rotem, Daru, etc...) multiple pillars, but with a larger area and better animation with damage adjustment.

⚔ Giant Fist of Earth
"Skill cooldown increased to 28 seconds. damage increased."
"REASON: This was an unfeasible skill due to the casting time and non-advantageous damage compared to other skills."
- skill is buggy at max lvl, disposition and timing are wrong, making it unreliable.

⚔ Mana Extension
"Now give Dainn a max hp buff. INT Buff very improved. Buff duration lowered to 15 seconds. Cooldown raised (lvl 5+)"
- for stage it is a strange approach, where a mage has approximately 30000 hp (or 20000 if you keep lvl 8, duration 180s); and for Devildon its only useful for 10% int
- too many reagents required until lvl 8. at lvl 9 the reagents are not required anymore, however the buff only lasts 19s with a CD of 122s

⚔ Buffs
"REASON: ...Improve Dainn's raw damage and try to give some space to teams that need a boost, a damage dealer."
- An approach that I believe would be cool would be for the original resistance buffs to be exchanged for damage buffs of the respective element (a closer analysis of the duration and values would be necessary since the ice tab has few skills and is fast cast, while the one of fire has many skills and takes longer to cast) and that way it would be necessary to rotate buffs along with rotating skills, making him more characteristic as a tri-elemental mage.
In this scenario, it would be interesting to embed the effects of the rework in the skills already present (for example the stun in 'Ocean of Fire', and sleep in 'Earth's Fury' or 'Hand of Gaia' and the dash in 'Ice Barrier' )
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