Arien Character Re-Work

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Staff member
We've recently had complaints from our non-existent Arien playerbase about how the class is simply not fun to play. We are looking to gain feedback and insight on a potential major rework on Arien, but would like to gather the server's opinion on the matters prior to implementing anything. Arien does not have rewarding gameplay, as Arien simply sits in one place spamming lightning arrow in one place until the mob dies.

We would like to propose the possibility of changing Arien to an INT class instead of a DEX class. Alongside with this, we would like to rework her playstyle in its entirety so that it is rewarding and fun throughout all stages of the game. This means that some skills will likely end up being changed in their entirety, some skills may be deleted, and some new skills may be added.

If you have any oppositions, suggestions, opinions, or comments, please be sure to post them.
Recentemente, recebemos reclamações dos nossos jogadores, principalmente dos jogadores, quase inexistente, de arien, sobre como a classe simplesmente não é divertida de se jogar.
Estamos procurando obter feedback e insights sobre um possível grande reword na Arien, mas gostaríamos de obter a opinião dos jogadores sobre os assuntos antes de implementar qualquer coisa.
Arien não tem nenhuma jogabilidade basicamente one key warrior(lol), já que Arien simplesmente fica sentado em um lugar enviando flechas de raios em um só lugar até que tudo morra.

Gostaríamos de propor a possibilidade de mudar Arien para uma classe INT em vez de uma classe DEX.
Junto com isso, gostaríamos de retrabalhar seu estilo de jogo em sua totalidade para que seja gratificante e divertido em todas as fases do jogo.
Isso significa que algumas habilidades provavelmente acabarão sendo alteradas em sua totalidade, algumas habilidades podem ser excluídas e algumas novas habilidades podem ser adicionadas.

Ela poderia talvez virar uma maga da floresta? Uma especicie de kali 2.0? Buffs relacionados a natureza, aumento de dano, reducao de hp em mobs etc.


New member
Melhor o diabo que você conhece do que você não conhece.
Muitos usuários ariens escolheram o arien atual porque amavam o personagem atual.
Será melhor adicionar um novo personagem (INT ARIEN ou qualquer outro) e permanecer original.
Por que outro usuário deveria se sacrificar pela sua diversão?
É sua escolha interpretar qual personagem
Se não for divertido, não faça isso. interpretar outro personagem.
você pode interpretar outro personagem
A diversão varia de pessoa para pessoa
Existem muitos usuários que gostam e apreciam o arien atual
Alguns não são engraçados, mas alguns agora estão gostando de Arien

Você mudaria a classe de Tia se alguém lhe dissesse que não era divertido porque Tia só usa darkfog?
E a Íris? Ryan? asuka?
Qual personagem DEX deve ser sacrificado em seguida?

Personagens DEX geralmente usam habilidades em um só lugar
Porque é estável e certo
Se você mudar de classe por diversão, exclua a classe Dex
São todos trabalhos chatos usando habilidades em um só lugar como Arien


Staff member
(My stance on the matter: If the community is split down the middle, and it is not an overwhelming majority supporting the idea, then obviously, even if the poll is in favor, I will not be doing anything to Arien such as changing her to INT. Perhaps a new avenue in the future would come in another way, shape, or form :) ) Even if it is 51% in favor, and 49% opposed, changes will not occur, because of large-spread opposition.


Staff member
Is bloxom's opinion technically possible? add int arien
At this moment it is not feasible; we can't simply add a new character. Even if it was a new character using Arien's model, we can't add a brand new character yet, because it requires major rework to the Client to support it. We don't technically have the manpower of a whole staff of people working Lunia as if it were a full time job. Instead, we only have scrap hours here and there that we use to work on stuff as time permits sadly.


New member
Better the devil you know than you don"t know.
Many arien user chose current arien because they loved current character.
It ll be better add new character(INT ARIEN or whatever) and stay original.
Can you tell me who are this MANY Arien users?
Because if you check arien rankings there are not many arien users.
Bowner and Lightshots stoped, if the current arien stays as it its, WhiteCastlle is also stopping, so in Achievement ranking there will be like 2 active Ariens. PekoPeko and ArienCarnesir.
If you check Myth stats Ranking only for Ariens you can see that there are only 3 active(7 in total) Ariens with more than 20K STR.
If you check Myth Stats Ranking for all character you have193 characters with 20K STR, is this normal only 7 from 193??
I just want to know from this people that Voted NO, how many of you play Arien?


New member
Can you tell me who are this MANY Arien users?
Because if you check arien rankings there are not many arien users.
Bowner and Lightshots stoped, if the current arien stays as it its, WhiteCastlle is also stopping, so in Achievement ranking there will be like 2 active Ariens. PekoPeko and ArienCarnesir.
If you check Myth stats Ranking only for Ariens you can see that there are only 3 active(7 in total) Ariens with more than 20K STR.
If you check Myth Stats Ranking for all character you have193 characters with 20K STR, is this normal only 7 from 193??
I just want to know from this people that Voted NO, how many of you play Arien?

Why you didn't count other players?
Player who is more than 20K STR is only gamer? lol
16 arien player exist from 300 player as ranking said you liked.
There are 17characters in our Lunia.
And it seems proper ratio.

Otherwise, Can u give reward to whom make too much effort for current arien?
I just said ill be better stay original.
They didn't make a vote for character re- balancing.
But this time they make a vote because they respect user's opinion.

WhiteCastlle is also stopping? U r free to go.
People that Voted NO? Peop r free to go.
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New member
I'm ArienCarnesir

Please keep the archer's identity

In what games does the archer have intelligence?

All game archers have agility.

Only Light Arrow??

what?? Only Light Arrow??

There are various other techniques!!!

It's that person's ability to use the archer uninterestingly.

It's not the archer's problem

Why is there no archer user?

It's a characteristic of the agility class.

It's not just an archer's problem

If you don't like the characteristics of the Agility class

choose another job

No need to change archers


don't touch




New member
Hi. I'm Arien user.
Please, don't change.
Miss the old good one Lightining Arrow, but I like how the skills work, actually.
Keep the archer identity.
If u want to play as a mage, choose INT characters.


New member
Eu jogo de arien também, e para ser sincero a skill que menos uso é A flecha de raio, somente em alguns momentos que preciso de imune.
Eu acho que deveria continuar como está.


New member
Ability roles are almost average
In normal storytelling, the follow-up is to open another DEX character
I don't think it's fair to change INT again
Don't just randomly change the ability characteristics for certain character skills
There are too many unfair problems, should all of them need to be changed?


Staff member
Removing poll. It is clear that the server is divided, about half in favor and half not in favor. As such, we will not be making any changes to Arien at this time.

Thank you everyone for your opinions!
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