New 20rb+ system


New member
Recently the RB system has been changed, removing any RB that does not reset the lvl/stages after 20RB+.

I can't see any reason for that change. It will only mess with the 95above lvls/achievements and make players re-open bonus, myth and DD every single time.

That being said, lets analyse the pros and cons:

The cons are:
- Removing lvl 99 and Aura from players that got it after trying hard to get to that lvl;
- Having to open Bonus stages all over again;
- Having to open DD stage all over again (myth key from tower OK, but there are 30 souls of light + Soldin at the end anyway); * It will decrease the accessibility to DD stages, that are already neglected by players)
- Making it harder for players to use the 75 skill at lvl max, because it can be achieved only at lvl 95;
- Directly harming more casual players that are building lvl 99 month by month, without rushing it right after 10.95/15rbs;
- Making it harder for characters that need many skill points, imposing them to reset every month, while other characters don't really need to;
- Less incentive for players to progress in the game;
- Changing something that is good into something that is not good.

The pros are:
- Can't really see any pros tbh, but anyone can send it at the replies and I will add.

The suggestion, then, is to revert it back to the normal system.


Staff member
- Having to open Bonus stages all over again;
You can still use the rb from rcoin which won't reset your licenses.
Having to open DD stage all over again (myth key from tower OK, but there are 30 souls of light + Soldin at the end anyway); * It will decrease the accessibility to DD stages, that are already neglected by players) - same as before
Same as before but also not a bad idea to help other people along the way. As well as you can go tower and grab the keys then only needed 30 sol.
- Directly harming more casual players that are building lvl 99 month by month, without rushing it right after 10.95/15rbs;
Casual players wont be targeting that kind of insanity.
- Making it harder for characters that need many skill points, imposing them to reset every month, while other characters don't really need to;
I don't think people with less than 15 rbs even try to achieve level 99. I could be wrong but i think all players that are level 99 currently got it with 15+. People with 15 rbs have enough point to level up their skills just fine.
- Less incentive for players to progress in the game;

The main reason why this change was introduced is so that you actually have something to do with your level. You have to decide weather you want to continue growing on the StoredLevel ranking or you just want to be level 99. There will be always that one guy that really wants to be up there and eventually that person will catch up.

I'll be changing the current RB that keeps the player level to be used up to 22 rbs, that way everyone has the same opportunity as the top rbs currently had. Which are at 23.

If you don't want to level up don't REBIRTH!
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Staff member
plus, another good reason is that so I can add a nice rb to my next popstage event :)


New member
plus, another good reason is that so I can add a nice rb to my next popstage event :)
The event idea is to add an even RB that does not reset lvl. But as previously mentioned at Discord it will be something not very frequent, players won't be able to get it monthly, so it is inevitable that the reset to lvl 1 will happen at sometime, no matter what.

Well, it does not make sense at all.

If you will have to reset from the lvl 99 to lvl 1, then lvl up in one month to..., to lvl 95?
Then you go back to 1, lvl up again to 95 next month.
And then you get a rb that does not reset lvl, keep 95 and don't have to do it all again.
You continue to lvl up from 95 and at the end of month you have what? 96? 97?
Then next month you reset again to the 1.

The huge advantage the player will get from the event is the "incredible" 1 or 2 extra levels (if the player actually tried to lvl up whitin that time)? This is totally pointless. And a new player won't be able to catch up a old player that is rbing since the first day of server.

Who cares about the cumulative lvl anyways?

You can still use the rb from rcoin which won't reset your licenses.
Thats the solution to the problem? Pay to get it easier than others? lol

Casual players wont be targeting that kind of insanity.
At current system, casual players can lvl to 99 slowly after 15rbs, month by month.

I don't think people with less than 15 rbs even try to achieve level 99. I could be wrong but i think all players that are level 99 currently got it with 15+. People with 15 rbs have enough point to level up their skills just fine.
No, they don't. The characters that need a lot of points needs more rbs than that to be comfortable (Dacy, Dainn, Eir, Dark Eir, Krieg)

I'am not talking about that because of me. I don't care about lvl. 95 is enough to use the 75 max.
Spirit Lunia had this shitty system because of the limitations of previous versions and the cumulative lvl ranking was useless as it is now. But people stop to rb to keep 99 (which is by far more valuable than the cumulative lvl ranking)

The good thing about 3.1 was exactly not having that restriction.


Staff member
On spirit they didn't have any limitations regarding to that. You were allowed to go to 99 RBS and 65k stored Level lol


New member
As I mentioned earlier, this will demotivate the players significantly. Lv.99 is a huge achievement in this game and it has to be worth it to accomplish. This new system only makes the players start all over again and end up feeling burnt out playing this game easily by doing the same thing again and again. If this happens, nobody will attempt to reach Lv.99 but just stay around, consequently, this will make the players feel bored and demotivated. On the other hand, encouraging the players to achieve Lv.99 is one of the greatest ways to activate the server and motivate people to play. Please leave the rb system as its original, but put more focus on the new content that actually motivates the players to keep playing on the server.


New member
I am against the idea of making players above 23 rb's go back to lvl 70 if they want to continue rbing. If you wanted to do this, then this should have been done at the start of the game, not when many players have or are close to achieving lvl 99 and already 23 rb's in. By implementing this so late you are basically telling players who have made reaching lvl 99 their priority, and would like to keep it, to quit the game because there's no more progression for you. I agree with Kotovod's and LOEWE's comment that the focus should be on new content. Don't force players to grind the same content we've been grinding for years, add a new progression system for players to continue without taking away our achievements. You said you wanted to give us "something to do with our levels", but with these changes you're taking our levels away and wanting us to earn them back.

If you are set on having these changes then maybe we need to consider compensations or giving permeant rewards aside from just an in-game achievement for those who have achieved level 99. That way achieving lvl 99 becomes an investment of potentially forgoing rb's for a few months that is rewarded with something more permanent while allowing that player to continue to work for each rb instead of logging on once a month.

But if you made the rb bring you to lvl 95 I would complain less because that's all I would care about :)
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New member
i posted my opinion on discord a while ago and i will post it here again, the idea if i got it right is to make ppl who r interested in ranking to fight for it, but the ranking the way it works today, nobody gives a sh1t for it, sooo imo this change should have come with changes with the rank too, and no auras pls, "touchable" stuff is required for this ranking new mechanic, the ugly ass aura from achiev ranks is a mistake, ppl should be better rewarded(exclusive wings, rcoins, exclusive titles that gives way better stats than scroll iv, those kind of things) but time limited rewards, since if they want to maintain what they got, they need to work for it