Yuki skill suggestion



would it be possible to give this skill 50 more range and maybe an extra 3 shots to make viable and worth putting sp on it right now its realy bad thats the shots rarely hit the mobs

Lu Ci

Staff member
Character rebalancing is now complete. From now on we will only make small adjustments to one or another skill, if necessary, but for now we will no longer be doing a complete rebalancing. All the characters are in the place we wanted. Our goal was to make everyone able to do all the content, whether solo or in a group. And now they can.


New member
I want to suggest a change for any skill buff of Yuki, to provide like a mana shield... we can see this characteristic on many characters with playing with ice magic. I thinks Yuki in this moment don't have power like before in another moment to kill your enemies so fast, with brutality, and add a new mana shield i think is interesting, bringing more resistence to the snow lady for a new phase of support freezing enemies with your new ice hearts.