Tia's Skill Suggestions


New member
Cyclone Blow
It always be interrupted when the skill is used and the attack area is too small when the enemy was too much. Maybe can give it a destructive wave?
Willow Leaf Kick
It will have "Immune to Immobilization" when the skill lv10 but it still not useful when fighting with many enemies but also low damage when hit the boss.
Flying Fang
It seldom uses when fighting, perhaps it can make combo with some skill to incress the damage?
Fairy Flame
It has nice damage but it spend too much time to finish all damage, maybe it can have "Immune to Immobilization" when the skill be used?

Forest Wind Wedge
Both Shadow Counterattack & Thorny Fairy Sword have the Attack Back when skill lv high, maybe it can get too?
Shadow Counterattack
The skill write that lv10 have "Immune to Immobilization" but actually not when I use in the game.
Thorny Fairy Sword
The skill has nice damage but it is easy to be interrupted when hit the monster which won't fall down. Maybe it can have "Immune to Immobilization" or a little "invincibility" ?
Silp's Wing
The skill give invincibility after second damage and it over before the final four damage. Maybe it can lasts throughout the cast.
Wisper Wind
It already have True Wisper Wind so I never use this skill and it doesn't push the monsters also.
Thousand Leaf Split
It have Immune to Immobilization begin in second damage, perhaps it can star when the begin?
True Wisper Wind
It always uses to push the enemy but the middle one always not be pushed, perhaps it can have more projectiles when the skill full.

Flying Throwing Knife
The skill has change here, it great to use but I wish the Shock Trap it made won't stop when the skill be interrupted.
Spanning Throwing Knife
It spend too much time to cast, maybe it can be faster.
Thunder Shock
The more projectiles give it nice damage but it dangerous to use because we need stand with monsters nearly thought it was a boss, can we have "Immune to Immobilization" when the skill be used?
Thunder Trick
The skill has change here, but it still not useful, we already have dark fog and true dark fog can move like this it seems same.
True Spanning Throwing Knife
Same as the Spanning Throwing Knife.
True Dark Fog
The skill when lv10 and lv11 has same damage only change with the shots's way.

Turn Back Time
I hope the skill could have more area to help teammate.
The skill will be saw with the boss enemy, so it still hard to get Attack Back after use it.
String of Rescue
It always use when the teammate was hit or will be hit. But at the time we also dangerous, we always dead after use it thought teammate maybe alive because of we use it.
Dexterity Reinforcement
It won't cool down with Dex now so we seldom use it because it also can save with hide. Maybe can change the function to give more multiplier of critical hits?

Deadly Blow
It only give the physical deadly blow, but we also have many skills are magic damage. How about give the both deadly blow?
Poison Effects
It only give very little damage to the monster, perhaps it can change the debuff that give damage for small percentage of life per second.
Pyhsical Specialization
Maybe it can give additional Attack Back damage when the skill is full.
Deadly Poison Specialization
When the skill is full it can give additional damage when the enemy was poisoned.

Tia is a great character I'm very love it. But her damage isn't enough when the game go to Devildom when we play with other character because "Dex" won't have high multiplier of critical hits. So not only the base damage of skill , but also the skill which have "Invincibility" and "Immune to Immobilization" are important. But Tia's skill only when Shadow Counterattack skill full and +2 can have Immune to Immobilization lasts throughout the cast, others only in the middle. It hard for Tia to live in the Devildom's game without Shadow Counterattack skill+2, but it not easy to get for player. I hope some change of skill can let more player want to try this excellent character.
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Lu Ci

Staff member
Character rebalancing is now complete. From now on we will only make small adjustments to one or another skill, if necessary, but for now we will no longer be doing a complete rebalancing. All the characters are in the place we wanted. Our goal was to make everyone able to do all the content, whether solo or in a group. And now they can.


New member
Character rebalancing is now complete. From now on we will only make small adjustments to one or another skill, if necessary, but for now we will no longer be doing a complete rebalancing. All the characters are in the place we wanted. Our goal was to make everyone able to do all the content, whether solo or in a group. And now they can.
I got it. But this skill
Shadow Counterattack
The skill write that lv10 have "Immune to Immobilization" but actually not when I use in the game.

I want to know if it really have or not have Immune to Immobilization when the skill lv10.

Lu Ci

Staff member
I got it. But this skill
Shadow Counterattack
The skill write that lv10 have "Immune to Immobilization" but actually not when I use in the game.

I want to know if it really have or not have Immune to Immobilization when the skill lv10.
oh really? okay, i'll check

Lu Ci

Staff member
I got it. But this skill
Shadow Counterattack
The skill write that lv10 have "Immune to Immobilization" but actually not when I use in the game.

I want to know if it really have or not have Immune to Immobilization when the skill lv10.
i checked. the skill had immune, but the timing was incorrect. I believe this caused it to not activate properly. its fixed now!


New member
i checked. the skill had immune, but the timing was incorrect. I believe this caused it to not activate properly. its fixed now!
Well, it still have some question, if you use the full skill and the full skill+2 in some aoe damage you will know what I said.