Patch Notes [29/03/22] Xp Changes.

Content changes


Staff member
Normal Scenario
  • 1-1H to 7-9H [Easy, Medium, Hard] XP was doubled.
  1. Easy - from 1.0 -> 2.0
  2. Medium - from 1.5 -> 3.0
  3. Hard - from 2.0 -> 4.0
Whenever a new character is created it still gets a manual(400%) for 18 hours as well as a XP Box that gives you one manual a day for 7 days.

We believe that we at a point where new players should be able to skip thru the leveling process if they don't want to bother with Achievements. Don't forget to call that lazy friend to level up quickly :) I ran a quick test run and got to level 70 in less than 30 minutes.