Linux Support


New member
I was wondering if there was any Linux support or and talks of Linux support since I plan on modding my switch to use Linux OS


Staff member
Impossible. Unless you sandbox it completely. There are native calls to internal/native windows dlls... Incredible.


New member
I was able to run it on Ubuntu using wine. I only had to install Arial fonts and it works pretty well.
The one annoying thing is that my load takes ages, but i'm not sure if it's because the specs of my ubuntu machine is terrible or if it's related to wine.


Staff member
I was able to run it on Ubuntu using wine. I only had to install Arial fonts and it works pretty well.
The one annoying thing is that my load takes ages, but i'm not sure if it's because the specs of my ubuntu machine is terrible or if it's related to wine.
I tried on Arch long ago, could not get it to work. Tho I had it running on my own compiled client, which probably didn't help :)


New member
I was able to run it on Ubuntu using wine. I only had to install Arial fonts and it works pretty well.
The one annoying thing is that my load takes ages, but i'm not sure if it's because the specs of my ubuntu machine is terrible or if it's related to wine.
Hello, please, could you tell me how did you do that?
I am trying to make it work here. Everything goes well with launcher, but after that I receive the message that it has stuck.Captura de tela de 2023-01-18 12-55-44.png

I tried on Arch long ago, could not get it to work. Tho I had it running on my own compiled client, which probably didn't help :)
Do you have any idea on how to do that? Because, as you can see, play Fallout and Oblivion pretty well...

Thank you for the attention.
See ya.