As asked by Teles: Why we need doge coin and why it needs to be reworked

Firstly about your question, on how much doge we can make by doing raids.
Yes we can get 130 doge coins only by doing stage raids. But the time it would take for doing all of them is far bigger than the time it would take to farm 130 tradable ones in a farm fest, so no one does it. And stage raids requires A SHIT TON of stats to clear all of them. Not to mention the fact that, even if we had enough active players with proper stats for stage raids, it would be like 20% of them that would be willing to do them, because THEY SUCK (Not even mentioning the bugs that occur mid stage that make you lost your run + price of keys)

So first suggestion: Improve, at least, by double the reward for stage raids.

About Prison Lord:

Yes, the reward is indeed amazing, but it's not everyone that got enough friends/active players to do them. In sailor we got 2 or 3 daily parties to do it, but the players carrying are experienced players with ult + pet + maxed stats.
Solo without ult + ress + maxed stats + pet is really really really hard for some specific players, me as a Ryan (with ress, ult and pet) am not able to clear this stage solo, or even carrying 2 or 3 players, without spending 2 ults on the chains and on boss.
Oh and also, every party, almost always, depends on a VIT character to reset the boss before the timer runs out.
So yeah, the reward for 4x Prison Lord is awesome, but it's not something that every player, from every region can do everyday.

But to be fair, I don't have a suggestion about this one, cause it's pure lack of players + skill to do it, so it's fine the way it is I guess

Now for the most important part: Why we need a lot of doge

1) Pet scroll is not a SUPER necessity but it does help A LOT, i loved the fact that the price went down (Even tho I bought my own pet a couple of hours prior to the update, still mad about that), but that's not enough, pet scroll could be something a little harden than cash scrolls to aquire. I mean, when someone is selling a scroll, it hovers around 40kg, and new players that NEED the scroll are strugling to come up with things like 350g for devasted forest key.

2) Fortification IS A NECESSITY NOT A LUXURY, and hear me out on this.
Even with the quest line to get a soldin set in exchange for souls, this is not enough. A player with a full soldin set still wouldn't handle myth 5 for instance.
Hell, i'm half soldin half sd2 cs+15 and I can't handle Myth 6 without dying a couple of times.

And now here's the kicker, to get a soldin part just to +15 with would be like that
Depending on luck, with would go to +9 without breaking it, but past that, we need to use the 50/50 catalyst.
lets say it breaks 3 times from +9 to +15 +being REALLY generous about it):
That would be 30 doges for restoration stone + 60 doge for catalyst, give or take.
so 90 doges for a +15 part

Now we go to light fortification where the odds are
+1 90/10
+2 70/30
+3 30/70
+4 10/90 (wich is hard to believe since I tried 40+ times on my chest and still won't go up)

I just can't calculate the price on that cause it's not something doable out of the blue. But take my Soldin Weapon as an example.
I got it a month ago, and it's still not Cold Shinning cause it keeps breaking, I just imagine that I've already spended 500+ doges on it.
But for math reasons, lets say it would take 300 doges for one CS

That would bring the total to 390 doge/part

That would bring to a total of 4680 doges for a full soldin set + acc for CS15

That A LOT for something that all players need just to handle the stages on a duo.

Also focus on the fact that i'm only talking about Soldin in her. A Sardes Devil part uses 6 more catalysts than Soldin

And I guess this two points brings us to the reason most players bitch about doge drop.
We NEED fortification to progress in the game, since we don't have a lot of active players willing to help newbies all day long, hence the need for more doge


a better fortification system

OR a absurd decrease on fortification price. And when I say ABSURD I mean ABSURD, like from 10 to 5 or less. (And I didn't even talked about the gold amount necessary for fortification wich is high as balls, shouldn't even be a thing).


To sum up, my suggestions by priority

1) Fixed amount of drop per run, 5/6 doges per run, it doesn't matter what stage the rotation end up.
2) Increase doge reward by double or more in stage raids since NO ONE plays them cause it's not worth it
3) Rework the whole fortification system in a way that it's not a luxury anymore. And I get it, it can't be a super easy thing, but we do need to be 2 times easier than it is today.


Just put fortification items on DGB and call it a day


Staff member
How can we get rid of inflation on the server? Farming gold is essentially printing more gold into the ecosystem and devaluing people's money. The fortification has a gold requirement to act as a gold sink, although, frankly speaking, I don't think it has been working out quite well judging by the top players there are people hovering around 200k gold. Judging from far it looks like there is nowhere for the gold to go?

When I first calculated the price of things I averaged at 1637182150639.png

What if we make the Fortification cs/15 easier and allow some sort of system to purchase Rerolls with gold? I've been reading a lot about AMM(Automated Market Maker). Perhaps creating a pool where the server would add X rerolls to this pool and the price would be dictated by demand? It could be done thru a command (where you type in &Market and instructions would be sent to the player? I'm thinking of something that can be done without requiring a new UI or interaction with a Website...

Concerns being... How many to add? What are the limits? No limits but the price increased exponentially?


Staff member
"Just put fortification items on DGB and call it a day" ?
I mean, Sure. I could add that. Is this the way of fixing things? Maybe. That's how it worked back in the day and people were happy p2wining. People who didn't wanna spend money would just buy from other people.

As per server funds: We are currently not facing problems with funds to support the server. In fact, it can run for around about 3-4 years without problems, if prices don't increase drastically. Especially because I've been paying since day one for it from my own pocket lol
Teles, since you as adm has access, could you test it out again?

Get 1000 restoration stones and 1000 blue catalyst and go for cs+15 first on Soldin and then on Sardes Devil.
try it on like, 3 or 4 items just so we can leave luck out of the equation.

Just so we can have an average of how much would be need for any part.
As for DGB, here's what I thought:

Since players are able to get dgb everyday by doing m6, i think that alone would be a solid reason to put fortification items on dgb without turning into a p2w game.
And if you were to implemend fortification in dgb, it should be something that would make a difference. I'm talking 100 catalyst+100res stones per dgb.
The thing is, fortification items on dgb SHOULD NOT be the only way to aquire this items, so we can keep them in the doge npc, but reduce the price from 10 doge to 7.
Why 7? Cause that way, by doing the daily Prison Lorde, player would be able to buy one more than he can today. Going from 60 to 80 catalysts a day
And why that? Cause that alone would make players happy, and happy players keep on playing.

And you said that you feel the lack of a gold sinkhole: What about putting a system where players can directly buy rCoins with gold? (altho you should not be using players with 200kg as an example, this is not the reality for 99% of players)

"But Gio, that would break the market for players"

Hold on I got this. What you said about AMM, just make the rcoin price be always double of what players are selling.
Nowdays 100 rCoin is going for 1kg, so put on the site for 2k (I think spirit lunia had this system)


Staff member
Teles, since you as adm has access, could you test it out again?

Get 1000 restoration stones and 1000 blue catalyst and go for cs+15 first on Soldin and then on Sardes Devil.
try it on like, 3 or 4 items just so we can leave luck out of the equation.

Just so we can have an average of how much would be need for any part.
The numbers here are an average of 10 tries. It should be fairly accurate
How can we get rid of inflation on the server? Farming gold is essentially printing more gold into the ecosystem and devaluing people's money. The fortification has a gold requirement to act as a gold sink, although, frankly speaking, I don't think it has been working out quite well judging by the top players there are people hovering around 200k gold. Judging from far it looks like there is nowhere for the gold to go?

When I first calculated the price of things I averaged at View attachment 35

What if we make the Fortification cs/15 easier and allow some sort of system to purchase Rerolls with gold? I've been reading a lot about AMM(Automated Market Maker). Perhaps creating a pool where the server would add X rerolls to this pool and the price would be dictated by demand? It could be done thru a command (where you type in &Market and instructions would be sent to the player? I'm thinking of something that can be done without requiring a new UI or interaction with a Website...

Concerns being... How many to add? What are the limits? No limits but the price increased exponentially?
What are rerolls? Are you talking about regrading scrolls?

And I didn't understand this sheet
Rerolls = Regrading scrolls yes.
This sheet is where the Dogecoin prices are calculated. Including the drop rates
Ah ok.
So, i don't think there's a need to make it so complicated tbh.
Just by increasing the rate for Apples where they already should drop would make a sea of a difference.

Or just do like it is on Devasted Forest
The apple from DF only drops DYE's right?
What if you just put another quest, say "4x Crack of Dimension" with a reward of 20dc and a Green Apple that only drop regrades?

That on top of the new drop rate of apples on Lord of the Sea box and the quest on crack that requires 6 voucher of scorpios

At least for me, regrades are cool but are not reaaaaally a necessity so early in the game. So just by fixing the existing system is good enough
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What if you just put another quest, say "4x Crack of Dimension"(No full party requirement) with a reward of 20dc and a Green Apple that only drop regrades?

Rewards: 25, 100, 250 basic regrades, being:
25 - 50% chance
100 - 30%
250 - 20%

+ higher chance of dropping apple from lord of the sea (since lots and lots of players spend the night afk fishing)

I think this alone, if implemented QUICKLY would help out a lot on the server mood.


Staff member
I'll be implementing a system where you type in &doge and it gives you options to buy items from a typed-in market.
This market in question will be completely autonomous and you gonna be able to use your DogeCoin to purchase Apples(for now) using this system and it'll track how many apples were sold in the last 24 hours and decrease/increase the price based on demand. No floors no nothing. If no one is buying it'll go to 0 eventually (unlikely). It'll be a concept. We'll see how it goes.
What if you just put another quest, say "4x Crack of Dimension"(No full party requirement) with a reward of 20dc and a Green Apple that only drop regrades?

Rewards: 25, 100, 250 basic regrades, being:
25 - 50% chance
100 - 30%
250 - 20%

+ higher chance of dropping apple from lord of the sea (since lots and lots of players spend the night afk fishing)

I think this alone, if implemented QUICKLY would help out a lot on the server mood.
Simple, effective and super fast to do
I get that, but we need solutions now, to 3 months from now.

Why not implement the easy things now and then work on a new system later?

I asked you if you were willing to listen. I gave out a bunch of easy-to-do suggestions. Why not just try then? Or at least create a poll with them and let players vote whether they think it's good or not.


New member
Fortification system and Dyes should be revamped.. The ammount of doge it takes it's not worth the time farming. Seriously. And I'm not talking about half an hour of farm a day. I farm tons of hours a day. Like 6+.

The number of players willing to buy apples will just skyrocket the prices with that "based on demand" system. Do you see any Dye on the market? That's NOT because we are full of it. Please, give us more ways of getting apples. Make the quest from forest a daily quest like Lord and lower the price of that apple with dogecoins.

Also 5 players requirement to complete a quest shouldn't be a thing at this point, but it still is. Lack of players.
Amy pointed a thing and I can state, as a Ryan I can't carry anyone D6 (I can't even solo it on easy) with full soldin spirit (not cs15, coz it's extremely expensive). The thought of endless effort to fortificate my gear and progress in the game is demotivating, mainly knowing I WILL need a carry.
Fortification system and Dyes should be revamped.. The ammount of doge it takes it's not worth the time farming. Seriously. And I'm not talking about half an hour of farm a day. I farm tons of hours a day. Like 6+.

The number of players willing to buy apples will just skyrocket the prices with that "based on demand" system. Do you see any Dye on the market? That's NOT because we are full of it. Please, give us more ways of getting apples. Make the quest from forest a daily quest like Lord and lower the price of that apple with dogecoins.

Also 5 players requirement to complete a quest shouldn't be a thing at this point, but it still is. Lack of players.
Amy pointed a thing and I can state, as a Ryan I can't carry anyone D6 (I can't even solo it on easy) with full soldin spirit (not cs15, coz it's extremely expensive). The thought of endless effort to fortificate my gear and progress in the game is demotivating, mainly knowing I WILL need a carry.
Yep, I just did a test

A Dark Eir with only 6ks kills lunia faster than my ryan 16k. Totally bullshit