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  1. L

    Server Reset

    After all these troubled months of fights and arguments I came to the conclusion that the best option to save the server would be to RESTART the server on 10/09/2021 INSTEAD OF REWORKING THE DOGE SYSTEM The idea would be that the "New server" would be identical to 3.1 from Lunia Global. I will...
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    Myth Secret

    Unlock the Secret of m4/m5 and m6 for all classes in the game. This way, none will have more benefit than the other when it comes to farm myth. It gets to be ridiculous Tia being secret from m4, the character is already considered the fastest in the game for farm and i don't even know why this...
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    Buff Devildoom EXP and make it drop gold or doge in the end of dd1-4
  4. L

    Ralph Balance

    To buff ralph boss damage without affecting air combos I recommend buffing the following skills that cannot be air combo: Soco do Furacão Forte ( Kamehameha ) Ondas de Giro do Furação ( Tornado Kick ) Raio do Furacão Forte ( Jump Air Kick RB) This way it will be possible to complement the...
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    Ralph Balance

    There is its called "Soco Tremor da Tempestade". Honestly anything serves the purpose was just to make a skill with a cool animation Without ralph's passive buff his damage in both Stage and Divine will remain mediocre as he is the only character who has an 18% passive (Greatly reducing class...
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    DogeCoin system rework. Due date[10/09/2021]

    If the doges start to be mainly weekly, this will generate a wave of people creating about 5 characters just to do weekly in all of them... I recommend thinking a lot about this
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    DogeCoin system rework. Due date[10/09/2021]

    I get it, my suggestion was made thinking that a lot of people don't want to do any History / Legend farm. This would be solved by always placing a map in divine but nerfing the rates there like a "Penalty" About the 20%/40% buffs in History/Legend work as an incentive for people to farm in...
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    Ralph Balance

    Ralph Balance Rework na Skill do level 60 "Chute-massacre do Furacão" Sugestão 1: A ideia seria pegar a parte dos tornados da ultimate do Ralph(5th) e recortar a animação pra ser a nova 60 do Ralph jogando 3 furacões pra frente(Seria legal se ele fizesse isso soltando os furacões pra frente 3...
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    DogeCoin system rework. Due date[10/09/2021]

    My suggestion considering the current rates of dogecoin: 4 Maps will be chosen every week with the following distribution 1 Map History - Buff Current Doge Drop Rates for History Maps by 20% Comment: The amount of doges has to be somehow equal for people to do the history and legend stages as...