🇬🇧 Dear Players,
We are excited to announce the introduction of a new shop where you can use carps to buy items. This means that fishing will no longer be useless, and you can use the carps you catch to get valuable rewards.However, we need to inform you that we will be wiping all carps (excluding golden carps) from the game. This is necessary to ensure that the rewards you receive from the new shop are balanced and fair for all players. Currently, there are around 25,000,000 brown carps in the game, which is causing an imbalance in the rewards system.
To make the new shop viable, we have developed a custom ratio called "rewards per hour," which we will use to balance the rewards you receive. If we were to include the old carps, this would greatly reduce the ratio and make it unfair for those who catch carps in the future.
We appreciate your understanding and hope you will continue to enjoy the game with this new and exciting update.
🇧🇷 Caros Jogadores,We are excited to announce the introduction of a new shop where you can use carps to buy items. This means that fishing will no longer be useless, and you can use the carps you catch to get valuable rewards.However, we need to inform you that we will be wiping all carps (excluding golden carps) from the game. This is necessary to ensure that the rewards you receive from the new shop are balanced and fair for all players. Currently, there are around 25,000,000 brown carps in the game, which is causing an imbalance in the rewards system.
To make the new shop viable, we have developed a custom ratio called "rewards per hour," which we will use to balance the rewards you receive. If we were to include the old carps, this would greatly reduce the ratio and make it unfair for those who catch carps in the future.
We appreciate your understanding and hope you will continue to enjoy the game with this new and exciting update.
Temos o prazer de anunciar a introdução de uma nova loja onde você pode usar carpas para comprar itens. Isso significa que a pesca não será mais inútil e você poderá usar as carpas que capturar para obter recompensas valiosas.No entanto, precisamos informar que vamos apagar todas as carpas (exceto as carpas douradas) do jogo. Isso é necessário para garantir que as recompensas que você recebe da nova loja sejam equilibradas e justas para todos os jogadores. Atualmente, existem cerca de 25.000.000 carpas marrons no jogo, o que está causando um desequilíbrio no sistema de recompensas.
Para tornar a nova loja viável, desenvolvemos uma proporção personalizada chamada "recompensas por hora", que usaremos para equilibrar as recompensas que você recebe. Se incluíssemos as carpas antigas, isso reduziria muito a proporção e tornaria injusto para aqueles que capturam carpas no futuro.
Agradecemos sua compreensão e esperamos que você continue a desfrutar do jogo com esta nova e emocionante atualização.
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