My idea is the following: I want to remove all the fortification materials that sell on the Guild Store and also wipe them from every single inventory making sure to pay back what the user paid for in gold. Meaning that no loss would be caused. This would make Myth a good source of gold for anyone selling fortification mats including Jewels and Fortification Stones + Catalysts.
My reasoning behind this is simple too. As most of you guys should already know we have a tool that tracks gold inflows on the server and even after trying to burn gold forcing people to use the market it didn't solve our main issue. I tracked down what was the biggest contributor to this insane rate and I found the following items -- This data is from the past 3 weeks:

Unfortunately I won't be able to track down Devil Souls because allm trolled me by making all myth souls "non-important". But yes, this is where my idea of removing these from the Guild Shop and perhaps reducing the amount of Fortification Stones that drops on each run in Myth. My ultimate goal is to slow down inflation to the point where I can allow people to trade freely again.
Just to clarify, these would be gone from the guild store with exception of the Flute.

My reasoning behind this is simple too. As most of you guys should already know we have a tool that tracks gold inflows on the server and even after trying to burn gold forcing people to use the market it didn't solve our main issue. I tracked down what was the biggest contributor to this insane rate and I found the following items -- This data is from the past 3 weeks:
- Dimly Shining Jewel 58 982G
- Extra Large Health Potion 126 522G
- Extra Large Mana Potion 181 900G
- Fortification Stone - 2 741 127G

Unfortunately I won't be able to track down Devil Souls because allm trolled me by making all myth souls "non-important". But yes, this is where my idea of removing these from the Guild Shop and perhaps reducing the amount of Fortification Stones that drops on each run in Myth. My ultimate goal is to slow down inflation to the point where I can allow people to trade freely again.
Just to clarify, these would be gone from the guild store with exception of the Flute.

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