Asking for In-Game help.


New member
Hello everyone .
so me and my friend used to play the original Lunia more than 10 years ago back in the days when only 4 characters were available and H4-10 was the final stage... and now that we've discovered Lunia Reborn we began playing again with so much fun !
We're both lv70-75 and we don't know how to proceed from here.
We're kinda weak so in Ep1 - Forest of the moon , we continue to die every time from one-hit and it is not so playable and we managing to complete it once every 5 tries.... also we've noticed that the EXP rate has significantly dropped down.
My request is if any one of you can give us some tips like the "complete begginers guide" or something like that , If there is daily quests or event or specific bonus stages that can help us upgrade our loot or something. Because right now were trying to invite someone strong to our party to help , otherwise its pretty rough

Thank you ! Every answer would be much appreciated


Staff member
I recommend getting a Guild and joining dailies with them! People are usually fairly friendly with beginners. There are also some players paying others just to join them on Raids in order to farm Unbinds. Look for a member of FairyTails for example =)

As well as don't throw away your lunia gear. You can upgrade it on the Myth Square to the far right across the river.


we always hang in normal sq 1 if you want a guild invite or you can whisper me MysticYuki