Myth Secret


New member
Unlock the Secret of m4/m5 and m6 for all classes in the game. This way, none will have more benefit than the other when it comes to farm myth.

It gets to be ridiculous Tia being secret from m4, the character is already considered the fastest in the game for farm and i don't even know why this hasn't been done on the server yet.

Let's make Stage Myth Farm fair to everyone, please.


Staff member
Lobo said:
Unlock the Secret of m4/m5 and m6 for all classes in the game. This way, none will have more benefit than the other when it comes to farm myth.

It gets to be ridiculous Tia being secret from m4, the character is already considered the fastest in the game for farm and i don't even know why this hasn't been done on the server yet.

Let's make Stage Myth Farm fair to everyone, please.
