New member
Ao observar as diversas queixas de varios players, inclusive apos a desistencia de DEZENAS de players que eram MUITO ativos, observei q algumas alterações precisam ser feitas, inclusive ja sugeridas no game e forum. O que acontece é que:
1) Players mais antigos se veem sem alternativas de evolução no game e acabam desistindo, a unica coisa q prende alguns é farmar itens para vender em Dollar.
2) Players novatos se veem com dificuldade de evoluir no jogo, pois o mesmo nao apresenta mais party's e nem uma fonte de G para newbies. e acabem desistindo por isso (Vejo players com dificuldade de arrumar pt pra matar Wildur,Zugren e Seres para liberar os seguintes divinos)
3)Existem coisas q não iriam mudar a jogabilidade e mercado de forma SIGNIFICATIVA, porem iriam mudar toda a dinamica de jogo e ajudariam a todos, tornando o game ativo (novamente).
Apos falar isso, tais seriam as minhas sugestoes.
A) Alterar as quest semanais : Tirar os Vouchers e colocar Bosses matados para que players possam faze-las sozinhos (Dica , colocar 6 bosses em cada e dar 12 doge UNTRADABLE)
B) Divino 1 : Colocar uma quest de Vouchers com pt completa( 6 vouchers ) que dá como recompensa 2 moedas de ouro UNTRADABLE (atualmente o valor de cada moeda é 100g, o que nao mudaria muito o mercado.
C)DIVINO 2: Colocar 1 quest de Vouchers com pt completa (6 vouchers) que dá como recompensa 1 caixa de Scroll I ( Só dropa scroll I[Quest parecida com a que ja existe na fase 4-10H]). ---
D)Divino 3: Colocar 1 quest de Vouchers com pt completa (6 vouchers) que dá como recompensa 10 doge Coins UNTRADABLE ( deixa um farm aproximado de 40doge/hora, com PT completa).
E)Divino 4: Colocar 1 quest de Vouchers com pt completa (6 vouches) que dá como recompensa 3 High Protein pet Biscuit.
F)Crack of Dimension : Colocar drop de Voucher com 4 players .Colocar uma quest de Vouchers com pt (5 vouchers) que dá recompensa por : 3 moedas RB e 1 Ancient Life Stone (24h)
G)Prision of Demon Lord: Colocar drop de voucher com 4 players. Colocar uma quests de vouchers com pt (5 vouchers) que dá como recompensa 20 pink catalysts UNTRADABLE/ ou Strong Protective Catalysts 20 Untradable.
H) Prision of Spider God: Colocar drop de voucher com 4 players. Colocar uma quests de vouchers com pt (5 vouchers) que dá como recompensa DD Amplification card( 1 Dia ) + 30 doge coin cada 5 anastasia voucher.
When observing the various complaints of several players, including after the withdrawal of DOZENS of players who were VERY active, I noticed that some changes need to be made, including already suggested in the game and forum. What happens is that:
1) Older players see themselves without alternatives for evolution in the game and end up giving up, the only thing that holds some is to farm items to sell in Dollar.
2) Novice players find it difficult to evolve in the game, as it no longer features party's or a Gold font for newbies. and end up giving up for it (I see players with difficulty finding pt to kill Wildur, Zugren and unlock the following Myth stages)
3) There are things that wouldn't SIGNIFICANTLY change the gameplay and market, but they would change the entire game dynamics and would help everyone, making the game active (again).
After saying that, such would be my suggestions.
A) Change the weekly quests: Take out Vouchers and put Bosses killed so players can do them themselves (Hint, put 6 bosses in each and give 12 doge UNTRADABLE)
B) Divine 1: Place a Voucher quest with complete pt (6 vouchers) that rewards 2 UNTRADABLE gold coins (currently the value of each coin is 100g, which would not change much the market.
C) DIVINO 2: Place 1 quest of Vouchers with complete pt (6 vouchers) which gives as a reward 1 Scroll I box (It only drops scroll I[Quest similar to the one that already exists in phase 4-10H]). ---
D) Divine 3: Place 1 Voucher quest with complete pt (6 vouchers) which rewards 10 UNTRADABLE doge Coins (leaves an approximate farm of 40doge/hour, with complete PT).
E) Divine 4: Place 1 Voucher quest with complete pt (6 vouchers) which rewards 3 High Protein pet Biscuit.
F) Crack of Dimension: Place Voucher drop with 4 players. Place a Voucher quest with pt (5 vouchers) that rewards: 3 RB coins and 1 Ancient Life Stone (24h)
G) Prision of Demon Lord: Place voucher drop with 4 players. Place a voucher quest with pt (5 vouchers) that rewards 20 pink catalysts UNTRADABLE/ or Strong Protective Catalysts 20 Untradable.
H) Prison of Spider God: Place voucher drop with 4 players. Place a voucher quest with pt (5 vouchers) which gives as a reward DD Amplification card (1 Day) + 30 doge coin every 5 anastasia voucher.
Ao observar as diversas queixas de varios players, inclusive apos a desistencia de DEZENAS de players que eram MUITO ativos, observei q algumas alterações precisam ser feitas, inclusive ja sugeridas no game e forum. O que acontece é que:
1) Players mais antigos se veem sem alternativas de evolução no game e acabam desistindo, a unica coisa q prende alguns é farmar itens para vender em Dollar.
2) Players novatos se veem com dificuldade de evoluir no jogo, pois o mesmo nao apresenta mais party's e nem uma fonte de G para newbies. e acabem desistindo por isso (Vejo players com dificuldade de arrumar pt pra matar Wildur,Zugren e Seres para liberar os seguintes divinos)
3)Existem coisas q não iriam mudar a jogabilidade e mercado de forma SIGNIFICATIVA, porem iriam mudar toda a dinamica de jogo e ajudariam a todos, tornando o game ativo (novamente).
Apos falar isso, tais seriam as minhas sugestoes.
A) Alterar as quest semanais : Tirar os Vouchers e colocar Bosses matados para que players possam faze-las sozinhos (Dica , colocar 6 bosses em cada e dar 12 doge UNTRADABLE)
B) Divino 1 : Colocar uma quest de Vouchers com pt completa( 6 vouchers ) que dá como recompensa 2 moedas de ouro UNTRADABLE (atualmente o valor de cada moeda é 100g, o que nao mudaria muito o mercado.
C)DIVINO 2: Colocar 1 quest de Vouchers com pt completa (6 vouchers) que dá como recompensa 1 caixa de Scroll I ( Só dropa scroll I[Quest parecida com a que ja existe na fase 4-10H]). ---
D)Divino 3: Colocar 1 quest de Vouchers com pt completa (6 vouchers) que dá como recompensa 10 doge Coins UNTRADABLE ( deixa um farm aproximado de 40doge/hora, com PT completa).
E)Divino 4: Colocar 1 quest de Vouchers com pt completa (6 vouches) que dá como recompensa 3 High Protein pet Biscuit.
F)Crack of Dimension : Colocar drop de Voucher com 4 players .Colocar uma quest de Vouchers com pt (5 vouchers) que dá recompensa por : 3 moedas RB e 1 Ancient Life Stone (24h)
G)Prision of Demon Lord: Colocar drop de voucher com 4 players. Colocar uma quests de vouchers com pt (5 vouchers) que dá como recompensa 20 pink catalysts UNTRADABLE/ ou Strong Protective Catalysts 20 Untradable.
H) Prision of Spider God: Colocar drop de voucher com 4 players. Colocar uma quests de vouchers com pt (5 vouchers) que dá como recompensa DD Amplification card( 1 Dia ) + 30 doge coin cada 5 anastasia voucher.
When observing the various complaints of several players, including after the withdrawal of DOZENS of players who were VERY active, I noticed that some changes need to be made, including already suggested in the game and forum. What happens is that:
1) Older players see themselves without alternatives for evolution in the game and end up giving up, the only thing that holds some is to farm items to sell in Dollar.
2) Novice players find it difficult to evolve in the game, as it no longer features party's or a Gold font for newbies. and end up giving up for it (I see players with difficulty finding pt to kill Wildur, Zugren and unlock the following Myth stages)
3) There are things that wouldn't SIGNIFICANTLY change the gameplay and market, but they would change the entire game dynamics and would help everyone, making the game active (again).
After saying that, such would be my suggestions.
A) Change the weekly quests: Take out Vouchers and put Bosses killed so players can do them themselves (Hint, put 6 bosses in each and give 12 doge UNTRADABLE)
B) Divine 1: Place a Voucher quest with complete pt (6 vouchers) that rewards 2 UNTRADABLE gold coins (currently the value of each coin is 100g, which would not change much the market.
C) DIVINO 2: Place 1 quest of Vouchers with complete pt (6 vouchers) which gives as a reward 1 Scroll I box (It only drops scroll I[Quest similar to the one that already exists in phase 4-10H]). ---
D) Divine 3: Place 1 Voucher quest with complete pt (6 vouchers) which rewards 10 UNTRADABLE doge Coins (leaves an approximate farm of 40doge/hour, with complete PT).
E) Divine 4: Place 1 Voucher quest with complete pt (6 vouchers) which rewards 3 High Protein pet Biscuit.
F) Crack of Dimension: Place Voucher drop with 4 players. Place a Voucher quest with pt (5 vouchers) that rewards: 3 RB coins and 1 Ancient Life Stone (24h)
G) Prision of Demon Lord: Place voucher drop with 4 players. Place a voucher quest with pt (5 vouchers) that rewards 20 pink catalysts UNTRADABLE/ or Strong Protective Catalysts 20 Untradable.
H) Prison of Spider God: Place voucher drop with 4 players. Place a voucher quest with pt (5 vouchers) which gives as a reward DD Amplification card (1 Day) + 30 doge coin every 5 anastasia voucher.