Eir Suggestions


Self heal- original effect. Additional effect if the skill is fully cast gives yourself a heal over time. Add Immune.

Light of healing - increased range on all three waves, 3rd wave range increased even more. Each wave also disrupts nearby enemies, like a flinch.

Sunlight of healing- original effect. Additional effect: Place a Heal Over Time on anyone effected by the skill.

Bead of healing- original effect. Throws off a homing bead every second. While active Eir gains movement speed. Heals Eir like an endless potion.

Emergency Heal- add dash cancel. Increased range. Leaves a heal over time on anyone healed.

Antidote- original effect. Combine with light of purification effect.

Prayer of healing- remove movement lock, add debuff that lowers Eirs damage while prayer is active. Alternatively you can keep the movement lock but give Eir Immune and have each wave buff allies dmg in addition to healing them.

True Bead- Any beads that touch and ally will circle them and heal other allies, similar to how normal bead circles Eir. Any beads that don’t reach an ally, returns to eir and increases her damage by the number of beads returned.

Resurrection- Make this an AOE to prevent missing.

Moon Piece - Add more projectiles, increase induction

Full moon bullet - increased range, speed, hits

Moon barrier - Add an aoe around barrier, any allies near barrier receives damage reduction. Improve lure mechanic by maybe adding a pulsating wave to barrier that sends out a provoke.

Moon chain - Increase projectiles, increase projectile speed.

Moon bind - Increase projectiles, increase projectile speed, allow projectiles to penetrate mobs, increase damage

Moon fog - Allow air combo, add a debuff that causes enemies to take more damage from allies.

Jog and tjog- add immune effect to the landing of jog and allow chaining of additional immunes to make jog less suicidal

True moon piece - add boomerang effect, like Lunias big moon piece but faster.

Price of sacrifice - Change to a buff that increases Eir's damage but deals a lot of damage to her(DoT).

True price of sacrifice - Change to a party buff that increases everyones damage but deals a lot of damage to them too(DoT).

Holy shout - increased push back effect, severely increased damage.

Light of purification - Bring back but change to a damage spell. Damage idea TBA. If this is doable, I can come up with some spell ideas.

Tears of goddess - Increase projectiles

Dodge - add dash cancel, add provoke(similar to mb or seduction of succubus)

Holy Spirit - Increase speed, increase range, increase damage

Sacred wave - Add waves.