New Item / New Mechanic created.

Keeping the Auto Loot item in your inventory ( can be bought at our Cash Shop) will make items that are dropped onto the ground go straight to your inventory.
Instead of having to pick them up from the ground you can use this small life/time savior to speed up your farming
Make sure that you have enough inventory space otherwise the items won't be picked up.

Keeping the Auto Loot item in your inventory ( can be bought at our Cash Shop) will make items that are dropped onto the ground go straight to your inventory.
Instead of having to pick them up from the ground you can use this small life/time savior to speed up your farming
Make sure that you have enough inventory space otherwise the items won't be picked up.
- It will auto-collect non bounded items automatically IF you're the only ALIVE player in the party.
- It will auto-collect rewards in the end of the myth stages Reward For Clearing Forest of Moon for example.
- It will auto-collect apples, coins everything IF you're the only ALIVE player in the party.
- It will auto-collect anything that is bounded to your character as long as you are ALIVE.