Tia's Skill Revision


New member

Willow Leaf Kick
- remove additional button press. Preforms skill to its entirety. Add bigger hit box.
Flying Leaf Kick- Add bigger hit box
Midair Prison- All hit counts will be counted even when enemies are not airborne
Fairy Flame- Add bigger hitbox and faster skill animation by 20%
Blind- Reduce global cooldown by 80%
Thousand Leaf Split Lv70 - Add Invincibility


Surprise Attack - Increase Backstab damage by 50%. Decrease non-backstab damage by 20%. Add bigger hit box. Reduce global cooldown by 20%
Forest Wind Edge - Add frames. Add Backstab damage. Decrease non-backstab damage by 10%. Add bigger hit box. Reduce global cooldown by 20%
Thorny Fairy Sword -Increase Backstab damage by 50%. Decrease non-backstab damage by 20%. Add bigger hit box. Reduce global cooldown by 20%
Silp's Wing - Invincibility from start to finish.
Whisper of Wind- Will now act exactly as Whisper of Wind EX. Will now penetrate and push enemies.
Whisper of Wind EX - Revamp skill. Will now attack enemies in the manner of the beginning of Tia's Ult. Clones will attack back and fourth. Lifting enemies airborne.
Surprise Attack EX - Increase Backstab damage by 50%. Add bigger hitbox. Reduce global cooldown by 20%


Flying Throwing Knives
- Increase Range from 97 to 120
Thunder Shock- Increase Projectiles from 9 to 18. Decrease damage by 20%. Reduce global cooldown by 20%
Thunder Trick > Decoy- Revamp skill. Now leaves a clone and lures enemies in. Decrease Level from 10 to 4. [Lv1 5sec duration ~ Lv4 8sec duration]
Shock Trap - Increase projectile from 3 to 10. Decrease damage by 40%. Tia will now leap over enemies in the manner of dark fog, while laying traps. Reduce global cooldown by 20%


Applying Poison > Snatch - Revamp skill. Will now grant new buff. Regenerate MP xx% by afflicting damage to enemies. [Lv1 1% for 15sec ~ Lv4 3.5% for 15sec]
Poison of Resuscitation > Steal - Revamp Skill. Will now grant new buff. Regenerate HP xx% by afflicting damage to enemies. [Lv1 0.5% for 10sec ~ Lv4 2% for 10 sec]


Poison Effect > Backstab Effect - Revamp Skill. Reduce Skill level from 6 to 4. Will now grant new ability. When a successful backstab attack is performed, regenerate Mp xx% by afflicting backstab damage to enemies. [Lv1 0.5% ~ Lv4 2%]

So I really want to get back into the roots of the Tia being the "thief" class. People only use Tia for her Dark Fog. Her other skills are less desired due to its comboing nature and small hit box. I enjoy comboing, but most of the time its not practical when entering a stage. Dark Fog is her one and only go to skill for Myth and other skills are practically useless. As for Stage, using Tia is a struggle due to her long cooldown times. I added utilities such as decreased cooldown times, projectile increase, bigger hitboxes and etc.

Killing enemies with a backstab is one of the most satisfying things when playing Tia. I really want to bring that back. Her applying poison ability is no longer useful. I've changed it to fit her "thief" aesthetic. She can now "steal" Mp when a backstab is successfully performed. Additionally, two new buffs regarding "stealing" enemies Hp and Mp are also added. The new skill "decoy" will allow players to utilize backstab more frequently and successfully. This will diversify her kit and I think this will allow players to fully utilize her other skills while still keeping their old playstyle. Let me know your thoughts!