Doge Coin shop


i wanted to make a suggestion to reduce the gold cost for items in doge coin by like 50% or remove it completely
and to add regrades to the shop as well with a reasonable cost its not enough to just have blue apples since its too rare to get regrades from since we already have secrets and restores i dont know why we dont have regrades as well
about lord of seas boxes key drops from it for raids the rates there is way too bad and too low i have opened over 50 boxes and only got 1 key so far so i think it should be slightly increased
key prices for some stages like devestated forest you have to buy all 3 and u only need it once for weekly can we get like a quest for 1 key for like 100g
if you wana do everything daily it cost you like 1-1.5k i think would be nice if prices are a bit lower than this


New member
I like the idea of adding regrade scrolls in doge shop since Catalyst and restoration stones are in it. It'd make upgrading/grading an item consistently. It'd be one more reason to farm doge coins :)


New member
you're right. It would be nice if they changed that as you say. even a "box" that only had "dyes of skills" would be great.
I hope these suggestions come true.
Cheers ^^