Search results

  1. WhiteCastlle

    Official Buy and Sell Middle-Men

    Yes, we can accept paypal, just join the discord and if you have more questions, open a ticket, there you will have faster answers.
  2. WhiteCastlle

    created ID question

    The user from the forum is not the one used to login in the game, you need to register at to play the game
  3. WhiteCastlle

    Updated Ancient Spirit Craft Guide

    Ancient Spirit Necklace Craft
  4. WhiteCastlle

    Updated Ancient Spirit Craft Guide

    Spirit of Light/Darkness Ring Crafts
  5. WhiteCastlle

    Updated Ancient Spirit Craft Guide

    Spirit of Light/Darkness Earring Crafts
  6. WhiteCastlle

    Updated Ancient Spirit Craft Guide

    Weapon of Light
  7. WhiteCastlle

    Updated Ancient Spirit Craft Guide

    Ancient Spirit Support
  8. WhiteCastlle

    Updated Ancient Spirit Craft Guide

    Ancient Spirit Boots
  9. WhiteCastlle

    Updated Ancient Spirit Craft Guide

    Ancient Spirit Hands
  10. WhiteCastlle

    Updated Ancient Spirit Craft Guide

    Ancient Spirit Head
  11. WhiteCastlle

    Updated Ancient Spirit Craft Guide

    Ancient Spirit Legs
  12. WhiteCastlle

    Updated Ancient Spirit Craft Guide

    Ancient Spirit Chest
  13. WhiteCastlle

    Updated Ancient Spirit Craft Guide

    This is the best guide to complete the Ancient Spirit Set! There are some requirements to unlock this NPC, you need to have 2 Rebirths, level 70, accumulated level 210 and Myth 6 Unlocked. Now you need to visit Normal Square and meet with the priestess of the Goddess Lunera. First time you...
  14. WhiteCastlle

    acusações falsas por @takhur @whitecastle @zack @hannabi

    Mavis doentão assumindo que é ladrão, vende gold pra comprar cheesburgui
  15. WhiteCastlle

    Arien Character Re-Work

    Can you tell me who are this MANY Arien users? Because if you check arien rankings there are not many arien users. Bowner and Lightshots stoped, if the current arien stays as it its, WhiteCastlle is also stopping, so in Achievement ranking there will be like 2 active Ariens. PekoPeko and...
  16. WhiteCastlle

    Arien Character Re-Work

    SIM, POR FAVOR!!! Apoiado!!!
  17. WhiteCastlle

    Ancient Spirit Craft Guide // Guia para craftar o set Antigo

    This is the best guide to complete the Ancient Spirit Set! First thing you need to do is, unlock Devildoom, you can't start the quests without having Devildoom Unlocked. After unlocking DD you need to visit Normal Square and meet with the priestess of the Goddess Lunera. First time you visit...