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  1. GloomAndDoom

    Myth 1-3 and DD 3-4 suggestion

    ^I second all these suggestions. It could be any random bonus addition and it would make the farming of these stages much more pleasing/appealing.
  2. GloomAndDoom

    Switch dainn 85 skill at +3 back to its original location.

    yes cause then it'll look prettyyy
  3. GloomAndDoom

    Switch dainn 85 skill at +3 back to its original location.

    Hello, can we please switch dainns 85 skill back to its original position? The extra hits and effects are amazing but it looks wrong being out of place. I understand why it could have been done so he dies less and gets better position possibly or even not get stuck around mobs. But it looks so...
  4. GloomAndDoom

    Double drop

    Is it possible that we can have some double drop events similar to when we had double drop doge coins? Theres a lot of people needing gear and having some double drop in at least DD would help a TON.